• General
  • How to fix issue with Let's Encrypt certificates

Hello everyone,

We are aware of the issue with acme.sh and letsencrypt. But we haven't decided how we will configure acme.sh in the next release yet.

So currently, there are some workaround to issue your certificates :

  • You can use ZeroSSL CA : You just have to register an account with the following command :
    acme.sh  --register-account  -m myemail@example.com --server zerossl
  • Otherwise you can set letsencrypt as default CA :
    acme.sh --set-default-ca  --server  letsencrypt
    VirtuBox stickied the discussion .

    acme.sh: command not found
    This is not too helpful. 🙁 I have done everything suggested by the logfile that I am pointed to.

    Still no love!

    I used this (after a lot of unsuccessful tries) and it finally worked

    sudo -s
    acme.sh --register-account -m myemail@example.com --server zerossl
    sudo wo site update site.com -le

    I know I'm not very active here in the community but I did a little step by step that should help especially those who use DNS CloudFlare.

    Edit the LetsEncrypt configuration file:
    nano /etc/letsencrypt/config/account.conf

    Insert the line:

    Enter your cloudFlare token and email with the parameters below:

    Then save the file and restart the services with:
    wo stack restart

    Now you should be able to issue SSL with:
    wo site update dominio.com --le --dns=dns_cf

    I also made a short step-by-step video.

    Hope Google Translate translated well.

    nice i will try this if i have a problem on ssl

    2 months later

    Hello VirtuBox,

    There is an error: acme.sh: command not found

    root@1U2G:~# acme.sh --set-default-ca  --server  letsencrypt
    acme.sh: command not found

    Details as below:

    root@1U2G:~# source /etc/bash_completion.d/wo_auto.rc
    root@1U2G:~# wo stack install --all
    WP-CLI is already installed
    Start : wo-kernel [OK]
    Adding repository for MySQL, please wait...
    Adding repository for NGINX, please wait...
    Adding repository for PHP, please wait...
    Adding repository for Redis, please wait...
    Updating apt-cache              [OK]
    Installing APT packages         [OK]
    Applying Nginx configuration templates
    Testing Nginx configuration     [OK]
    Restarting Nginx                [OK]
    Testing Nginx configuration     [OK]
    Restarting Nginx                [OK]
    Configuring php7.3-fpm
    Restarting php7.3-fpm           [OK]
    Configuring php7.4-fpm
    Restarting php7.4-fpm           [OK]
    Tuning MySQL configuration      [OK]
    Restarting mysql                [OK]
    Restarting proftpd              [OK]
    Reloading proftpd               [OK]
    Configuring Sendmail            [OK]
    Tuning Redis configuration      [OK]
    Restarting redis-server         [OK]
    Downloading PHPMyAdmin           [Done]
    Downloading phpRedisAdmin        [Done]
    Downloading Composer             [Done]
    Downloading Adminer              [Done]
    Downloading Adminer theme        [Done]
    Downloading MySQLTuner           [Done]
    Downloading Netdata              [Done]
    Downloading WordOps Dashboard    [Done]
    Downloading eXtplorer            [Done]
    Downloading cheat.sh             [Done]
    Downloading bash_completion      [Done]
    Downloading clean.php            [Done]
    Downloading opcache.php          [Done]
    Downloading Opgui                [Done]
    Downloading OCP.php              [Done]
    Downloading Webgrind             [Done]
    Downloading pt-query-advisor     [Done]
    Downloading Anemometer           [Done]
    Installing composer             [OK]
    Installing Netdata              [OK]
    Restarting netdata              [OK]
    Configuring packages            [OK]
    HTTP Auth User Name: WordOps
    HTTP Auth Password : 3y3Jc9o3yyVqjB0IzFo1ujDh5
    WordOps backend is available on or https://1U2G:22222
    Successfully installed packages
    root@1U2G:~# acme.sh --set-default-ca  --server  letsencrypt
    acme.sh: command not found

    Does that mean I need install acme.sh please? if yes, what is command line please?


    Here is all right way:

    1# run command line:

    Nano /etc/letsencrypt/config/account.conf

    2# add the following line:


    3# Save & close.

    4# After "Save & Close" of Nano editor, you have to exit the terminal and reopen a new terminal, and run the command line:

    acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt

    It will show as below:

    Fri Aug 27 04:01:52 UTC 2021] Changed default CA to: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory

    5# and now you should able to create site as usual like this way:

    export DO_API_KEY="6255df99cbcaasd0606s52694cfdddddc225f8b87a286e5dfec8e7fa367e07866dgd4c7g91212"
    sudo -E wo site create mysite.com --wpsubdomain --wpredis --php74 --letsencrypt=wildcard --dns=dns_dgon

      alexlii1971 Please stop bumping up the old threads with the method that isn't safe. As suggested earlier, setting the default Certificate Authority with the following command can easily fix this issue. Editing the configuration isn't recommended at all.

      acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt

        3 months later

        nsgoyat You comment on every thread that this solution works and to stop making other suggestions. But this doesn't work for me on a fresh install. Also you need to mention that you have to restart the commandline before that will work. I get the same error after running that command, it doesn't fix the issue.

          rsmith4321 Unless you share the logs I won't believe that this solution doesn't work on the fresh install. This resolution is officially suggested by Acme.sh team and WordOps developer Virtubox.

          Also, I am not against other solutions but it's just not the right approach to directly edit a configuration file that might be overwritten on a WordOps or Acme.sh update and your SSL certificates may not renew properly.

          7 days later

          Is there anyone succeed to install using --le option? I try most of commented ways, but I couldn't succeed. Thanks.

            But if you're asking for help then you need to at least say specifically what you've tried, what happens, what errors you get etc or how can anyone help. :-)

              marty Would you help how to solve this issues? All configuration is using root.

              Ubuntu 20.04 LTS fresh install
              WordOps and stack fresh install
              /etc/letsencrypt/acme.sh --config-home '/etc/letsencrypt/config' --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt
              [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:16:38 AM UTC] Changed default CA to: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory

              wo site create xxx.com --wpredis --user=admin --pass='XXXX' --email=admin@xxx.com -le --php74


              Certificate type : domain
              Validation mode : Webroot challenge
              Issuing SSL cert with acme.sh [KO]
              Your domain is properly configured but acme.sh was unable to issue certificate.
              You can find more informations in /var/log/wo/wordops.log


                I am using Vultr, so there is no firewall from fresh install.

                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:46 AM UTC] Verifying: xxx.com
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:46 AM UTC] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (1/30)
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:49 AM UTC] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (2/30)
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:52 AM UTC] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (3/30)
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:54 AM UTC] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (4/30)
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:26:57 AM UTC] Pending, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (5/30)
                Command Error: [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:27:00 AM UTC] xxx.com:Verify error:Fetching http://xxx.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/vr6DC9_uj6B3c6Qqn-YOuanuBkaENFg_X5LaYySvbPk: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:27:00 AM UTC] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details.
                [Tue 07 Dec 2021 09:27:00 AM UTC] See: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/How-to-debug-acme.sh
                ^[[32m2021-12-07 09:27:01,330 (INFO) wo : ^[[91mIssuing SSL cert with acme.sh^[[0m
                ^[[31m2021-12-07 09:27:01,331 (ERROR) wo : ^[[91mYour domain is properly configured but acme.sh was unable to issue certificate.
                You can find more informations in /var/log/wo/wordops.log^[[0m

                  honggian What's your server provider? Maybe you have a firewall configured at the service provider level which might be blocking the important ports?

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