Im new on wordops community and so far Im in love with wordops. I have some questions and suggestions to ask.

I want to host multiple sites (some WordPress, some PHP/laravel, etc.) and some of the sites are having high traffic, how do I set up them? which caching is best for which system/scenario?

Some questions -

  1. Does every site have its own caching when set up?
  2. How can I clean a particular cache for a particular site only?
  3. I'm going to separate the database server, how do I optimize for high performance?
  4. How do I limit disk space for a particular site? (I'm going to use ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

Any extra suggestions are always welcome!

Does every site have its own caching when set up?

WP sites yes; non-WP can't benefit of "automatic" cache. Every site of yours should solve the cache issue the best they can.

How can I clean a particular cache for a particular site only?

For WordPress I'd try:

cd /var/www/domain.com/htdocs
wp cache flush

Of course, your mileage may vary. And, again, non-WP sites do not have any cache integrated to WO.

I'm going to separate the database server, how do I optimize for high performance?

I'll let someone else to answer that. 🙂

How do I limit disk space for a particular site? (I'm going to use ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

You don't. Such a feature is out of WO's project scope.

I'm going to separate the database server, how do I optimize for high performance?

There is a guide available on making the remote database process easier: https://docs.wordops.net/how-to/remote-mysql-server/

WordOps optimizes the MySQL configuration on the basis of the resources available on the server. So, on your remote server, you may utilize wo stack install --mysql


You can start with a base configuration of your choice and then run tuning-primer.sh which is a bash script similar to MySQL Tuner. It gives the suggestions about the MySQL Configuration values that can be tweaked: curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BMDan/tuning-primer.sh/master/tuning-primer.sh | bash

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