- MySQL configuration tuning
- Cronjob to optimize MySQL databases weekly
- WO-kernel systemd service to automatically apply kernel tweaks on server startup
- Proftpd stack now secured with TLS
- New Nginx package built with Brotli from operating system libraries
- Brotli configuration with only well compressible MIME types
- WordPress site url automatically updated to
when using-le/--letsencrypt
flag - More informations during certificate issuance about validation mode selected
as alternative for--php
- Automated removal of the deprecated variable
ssl on;
in previous Nginx ssl.conf - Project Contributing guidelines
- Project Code of conduct
wo maintenance
refactored- Improved debug log
- Updated Nginx configuration process to not overwrite files with custom data (htpasswd-wo, acl.conf etc..)
- Adminer updated to v4.7.2
- eXtplorer updated to v2.1.13
- Removed WordOps version from the Nginx header X-Powered-By to avoid possible security issues
- Several code quality improvements to speed up WordOps execution
- Few adjustements on PHP-FPM configuration (max_input_time,opcache.consistency_checks)
- Added /dev/urandom & /dev/shm to open_basedir in PHP-FPM configuration
- Kernel tweaks were not applied without server reboot
- Fail2ban standalone install
wo stack purge --all
error due to PHP7.3 check- Nginx helper configuration during plugin install for Nginx fastcgi_cache and redis-cache
- phpRedisAdmin stack installation
- Fixed Travis CI build on pull requests
- Nginx
variable error after WordOps upgrade