
I have been testing fresh Vultr instance with v3.14.0 and would like to share my experiences so that you do not have to go through the debug that I have been going through.

Problems encountered:

  1. wo command missing @ wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
  2. issue with ssl
  3. dashboard become inaccessible after installing 2nd WP website.

Run the following commands in sequence to resolve above issues

  1. Resolves the wo command not found issue
    sudo pip install -U pip setuptools
    sudo python3 -m pip install -I wordops
  2. Setup WordOps & UFW
    wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
    wo stack install --ufw
    ufw allow 22
    ufw allow 80
    ufw allow 443
    ufw allow 22222
    ufw enable
    ufw status
  3. Using Cloudflare DNS API for SSL Read more
    export CF_Key="GLOBAL API KEY"
    export CF_Email="Cloudflare Account Email"
  4. Create WP site with fastcache, letsencrypt and Cloudflare dns api. Change dns_cf to the appropriate dns services. Read above link.
    sudo -E wo site create somesite.tld --wpfc -le --dns=dns_cf
  5. WordOps Dashboard (Optional)
    sudo wo stack install --admin

Other Notes

If you only have one site on the server, you should be able to access the dashboard without any issue. If you have multiple sites then you would need to have port 22222 pointed to a specific site on your server. I could not figure out a way to do it with nginx but I was able to do it with Cloudflare Portzilla App.

Set DNS CNAME record for the domain on the server with dashboard or any subdomain pointer that you set with ROUTE URL so that it matches. For this example "dashboard" pointing to @.

Type: CNAME 
Name: dashboard 
Target: @

Set Portzilla as follow and choose the domain to apply to. Dashboard will be accessible at ROUTE URL that you have set

Everything should work. I hope.

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