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No thanks, or option to not do this when installing. Settings will always need tweaking there is no point

    mdoooooot We will provide an option in the installer, but we asked to WordOps users what should be the default behavior

    4 days later

    mram I think it is a good practice, for the ones who can implement it.

    i don't have a twitter account, but my vote is for UFW configuration to be optional rather than the default.

    although configuring UFW is obviously an important security step (all my servers have UFW configured by an ansible setup playbook that i run immediately after spinning them up), setting up UFW correctly is context dependent and if it isn't done according to the services that a particular box is offering, it can break things that were working. I think anything that can break things that were previously working should be opt-in rather than opt-out.

      Hello pjv,
      by setting automatically the minimal rules for WordOps with UFW, we make sure there are no servers running WordOps without a firewall. In my opinion, every server with a public IP should be configured with a firewall, but the most part of people will not configure it themself, so it's seems smarter to me to perform this configuration by default, and to allow advanced users to skip this step.

      Here the UFW configuration function :

          # get custom ssh port
          if [ -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config ]; then
              CURRENT_SSH_PORT=$(grep "Port" /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk -F " " '{print $2}')
          # define firewall rules
          if ! grep -q "LOGLEVEL=low" /etc/ufw/ufw.conf; then
              ufw logging low
          if ! grep -q 'DEFAULT_OUTPUT_POLICY="ACCEPT"' /etc/default/ufw; then
              ufw default allow outgoing
          if ! grep -q 'DEFAULT_INPUT_POLICY="DROP"' /etc/default/ufw; then
              ufw default deny incoming
          if ! grep -q "\-\-dport 22 -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
              # default ssh port
              ufw limit 22
          # custom ssh port
          if [ "$CURRENT_SSH_PORT" != "22" ]; then
              if ! grep -q "\-\-dport $CURRENT_SSH_PORT -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
                  ufw limit "$CURRENT_SSH_PORT"
          # nginx
          if ! grep -q "\-\-dport 80 -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
              # http
              ufw allow http
          if ! grep -q "\-\-dport 443 -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
              # https
              ufw allow https
          # ntp
          if ! grep -q "\-\-dport 123 -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
              ufw allow 123
          if ! grep -q "\-\-dport 22222 -j" /etc/ufw/user.rules; then
              # wordops backend
              ufw limit 22222
          # enable ufw
          if [ -n "$CURRENT_SSH_PORT" ]; then
              if ! grep -q "ENABLED=yes" /etc/ufw/ufw.conf; then
                  ufw --force enable
                  ufw reload
          # remove ufw from syslog
          if [ -f /etc/rsyslog.d/20-ufw.conf ]; then
              sed -i 's/\#\& stop/\& stop/' /etc/rsyslog.d/20-ufw.conf
              service rsyslog restart
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