Github :


  • Allow web browser caching for json and webmanifest files
  • nginx-core.mustache template used to render nginx.conf during stack setup
  • APT Packages configuration step with wo stack upgrade to apply new configurations
  • Cloudflare restore real_ip configuration
  • WP-Rocket plugin support with the flag --wprocket
  • Cache-Enabler plugin support with the flag --wpce
  • Install unattended-upgrade and enable automated security updates
  • Enable time synchronization with ntp
  • Additional cache exception for woocommerce


  • Do not force Nginx upgrade if a custom Nginx package compiled with nginx-ee is detected
  • Gzip enabled again by default with configuration in /etc/nginx/conf.d/gzip.conf
  • Brotli configuration moved in /etc/nginx/conf.d/brotli.conf.disabled (disabled by default)
  • Moving package configuration in a new plugin
  • Cleanup templates by removing all doublons (with/without php7) and replacing them with variables
  • Updated Nginx to v1.16.1 in response to HTTP/2 vulnerabilites discovered
  • Disable temporary adding swap feature (not working)
  • wo stack upgrade --nginx is now able to apply new configurations during wo update, it highly reduce upgrade duration


  • Error in HSTS header syntax
VirtuBox stickied the discussion .

@VirtuBox It was working both tls 1.2 and 1.3 with previous version. ı just wrote wo -update . What should I do to bring it back?

    HalilG just make sure there is the mention TLSv1. 3 in nginx.conf, otherwise try to use

    wo stack upgrade --nginx

    @VirtuBox I run wo stack upgrade --nginx successfully. And TLS1.3 is being mentioned in nginx.conf. Still not working. Fyi. What else to do? I am not able to re-run wo update cause it says I have already installed the latest version.

    Edit : wo update --force didnt work too.

      VirtuBox unstickied the discussion .

      Hi @VirtuBox,

      I'm a bit confused about which commands I need to run to update my servers. If I run wo update do I need to run wo stack upgrade after? And do I need to upgrade each stack element independently?

        Hello marciomarim,
        with the latest release I have updated the command wo upgrade to apply new Nginx configurations with the command wo stack upgrade --nginx. I have also cleaned-up the update process and you should only have to run wo update to update WordOps itself and Nginx (which is the stack with the biggest amount of changes between releases).

        But I'm thinking about removing Nginx upgrade of the update process, because users can now upgrade Nginx and apply new configurations themself using wo stack upgrade --nginx, so it will probably be better to make the install/update script doing a single job : updating WordOps.

        HalilG I have published new Nginx packages which include OpenSSL configuration improvements few hours ago.
        So you can use wo maintenance or wo stack upgrade --nginx to install the new package and let me know if you still have issues with TLSv1.3

        Seems fine this time @VirtuBox . Thanks
        And for your comments above, as a novice user I prefer single command (wo update) to update everything. I have spent hours to find nginx.conf file once at the beginning! I believe most of users are like me ( my quess).

          I agree with you HalilG,
          but upgrading Nginx during WordOps upgrade create a risk of failure which can cause all sites to be down. And I do not want users to stay on an old WordOps release only because this risk of failure exist.

          To update all server packages without overwriting any configuration, there is the command :

          wo maintenance

          Then to update stacks and their configurations there is the command :

          wo stack upgrade --nginx/--php/--php73/--netdata/--dashboard

          U r leading this project @VirtuBox and u know the details/difficulties better than anyone. I thought 3 days before giving up ee and moving to wordops and also assessed ready to go wordpress host sites too. I am very happy till now with my decision so I can just recommend pls keep it simple as much as possible, deciding what is simple yet effective is up to you.

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