vasiler They probably only appear when Wp Rocket generates static css.
Yes. sometimes, but not always.
For commercial plugins, I am just wonder whether it is safe enough for our site, any idea upon security to share please?
vasiler They probably only appear when Wp Rocket generates static css.
Yes. sometimes, but not always.
For commercial plugins, I am just wonder whether it is safe enough for our site, any idea upon security to share please?
wo site update --ngxblocker for some security rules and Wordfence plugin (optional)
vasiler wo site update --ngxblocker
Great sharing, I read docs several times, but I missed that
Just share what I did:
On my Woocommerce site, there are almost 5000 SKU products, and I am using the following configuration now:
nginx helper + redis-object-cache
Merge + Minify + Refresh
EWWW Image Optimizer
The speed is just ok.
After setup a site with Wp-rockect, and only one SKU one site, the speed is no so fast like what I expected.
I have not test the the following conf method yet:
alexlii1971 1#Wp-rocket
2#plugin Nginx Helper for clearing cache
3# Using this plugin
4# Update site using --wpfc
Since I am not sure whether it is suitable for Woocommerce site, or do you think it is good method or any experience with the above configuration on Woocommerce?
I note there is a great tutorial of Microcoaching:
It seems great practice for Nginx fastcgi_cache, any experience with this method on Woocommerce site please?
According to the following info:
VirtuBox Then the main difference between Fastcgi_cache and Redis Full-page cache (fastcgi_cache is also a full-page cache solution) is you cannot use fastcgi_cache with redundant systems, because it would require to share fastcgi_cache path between all servers.
The above configuration method of Fastcgi_cache with Wp-rockect seems limited to only one wordpress site on one server?
What about if there are more than one wordpress sites please?
I use these two plugins and they work incredibly well (for a multi-server configuration)
Thanks for sharing, two questions please?
1# Fastcgi_cache enabled? More than one wordpress site on one server?
2#Do you running Woocommerce on your site please?
3# what are your other configuration or plugins related please? Nginx helpler? Wp-rocket?
1) Nope, I do not use fastCGI on any sites because I run in a cluster behind a load balancer
2) I do not, but there are no known issues running these setups because page caches will ignore woocommerce cookies
3) I use Breeze only for its CDN rewriting, so all my assets run on and then I aggressively cache* through Cloudflare
Hey @jond1 I would be very interested to know more specifics about your multi server setup.
Do you use CEPH? How do you handle the distributed database?
How do you put your assets on the subdomain?
And thanks for those plugin tips!!
@VirtuBox MAybe we can switch the object cache plugin to the one from pressjitsu?
@michacassola we are not using CEPH. We use AWS for our cluster and I use RDS for the database, so it's distributed and redundant by nature. I use EFS for assets so it's always shared across domains. I have a custom shell script which automatically re-maps wp-content/uploads to the EFS shared drive.
I have a bunch of content written about my setup, I just haven't had time to finish and publish it. Hopefully I'll find time sooner than later. It's a very length tutorial walk through on the high availability WordPress cluster I have setup.
jond1 I am looking for flexible and high performerce cache method for deploy configuration, and really expect your tutorial too.
I am DIY all the way, don't want to give all my cash to AWS. Would have been so awesome if you'd have had a "normal" multi-server WordOps Setup.
Does anybody have that? @VirtuBox ?
You can absolutely do it all yourself. AWS simply makes it easier and manages all the services. There's no reason you can't DIY 100%. Say for instance, Linode or DigitalOcean, you could spin up and configure all the services yourself.
Although at that point, you end up spending more time configuring and managing all the services, that it can eat away at time that could be spent elsewhere. So it really comes down to what you value more --- cheaper services, or services that always work and you can focus on something else.
VirtuBox Hello, I have a wordpress site on a server with 5k online simultaneously.
OVH Server Xeon 2288G / 960GB NVME / 1gbps 64GB DDR4
Could you help me with any questions?
Does the WP-Rocket have to pay for use with (nginx fast cgi)?
I currently use --wpredis, how can I migrate to wp-rocket with fast cgi?
can I use --wprocket --wpfc to upgrade?
Using Wp-Rocket + Nginx fast cgi do I still need to use Nginx-Helper?
Is there any other extra plugin?
Thank you for this.
alexlii1971 redundant system in this context means multi system, i.e multi droplets, multi vps, multi AWS instances in a case whereby you are auto scaling. So it it does not affect multiple websites in a single system, i.e in a single vps or droplet or single cloud instance
dejioke thanks for message, but I did not get your point.
Anyway, here is a question:
There are two sites on one server, can I enable Wp-Redis on one site and Wp-rocket on another site?
or, do you recommend this method? If not, why?
alexlii1971 yes you can enable Wp-Redis on one site and Wp-rocket on another site on the same server.
Because Flags are not server-wide, they are per-site-settings.
Choice of settings on each site depends on requirements/preferences of the site.
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