Good Morning.
Digital Ocean, Debian 11.

I'm getting the error: Fixing missing GPG keys, please wait..

2022-12-27 14:09:55,935 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : Running command: apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys CF0B928CDED64F3B
2022-12-27 14:11:38,400 (DEBUG) wo.core.logging : Command Output: Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.IimvdSl1Go/ --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys CF0B928CDED64F3B
Command Error: Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No data

Any indication?

wait for the update, in the meantime use debian 10

I already have many Debian 11 servers.
I've been using Debian 11 for a few months without any problems.
I just now had this problem.

Thanks for the answer.

16 days later

Any update on this issue? Same issue here out of the blue after a couple months using Debian 11 without issue.

It says during wo stack upgrade : Fixing missing GPG keys, please wait...

And it stays like that for some time, but afterwards the issue persists.

    most likely it'll be fixed in a new update, meanwhile i had downgraded to debian 10; not an ideal solution but only workaround ive found

    a year later

    This issue is still happening. I guess waiting 2 years for an update isn't the right solution?

      ZinkDifferent I also hate it when a vendor does not honour their SLA! If I were experiencing the same problem, I would have already cancelled the contract and looked for a competitor. That vendor wouldn't see my money again.

      5 days later

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