GitHub release :
- [SECURE] Allow new ssh port with UFW when running
wo secure --sshport
- [SECURE] Additional Nginx directives to prevent access to log files or backup from web browser
- [CORE] apt-mirror-updater to select the fastest debian/ubuntu mirror with automatic switching between mirrors if the current mirror is being updated
- [SITE] add
to force Let's Encrypt certificate issuance even if DNS check fail - [STACK] check if another mta is installed before installing sendmail
to allow password when using--ssh
withwo secure
- [SECURE] Improved sshd_config template according to Mozilla Infosec guidelines
- [STACK] Always add stack configuration into Git before making changes to make rollback easier
- [STACK] Render php-fpm pools configuration from template
- [STACK] Adminer updated to v4.7.3
- [STACK] UFW setup after removing all stacks with
wo stack purge --all
- [CONFIG] Invalid CORS header
- [STACK] PHP-FPM stack upgrade failure due to pool configuration