• Resources
  • Security levels - Top to bottom approach

This post is for informational purpose. There are different levels of website security.

  1. Domain Level - DNS Provider.

-DnS Level Security. Cloudflare Free DNS.
-Cloudflare Certificate - replace letsencrypt
-Cloudflare Zero Trust - replace fail2ban, protect wp-admin brute force.
-Cloudflare Ddos protection - replace fail2ban
-Cloudflare Bots Protection - replace nginx bad bot blocker.
-Cloudflare WAF - create security rules.

  1. Network Level - Hosting Provider.

-Use Network firewall provided by VPS hosting - Replace UFW firewall.

  1. Server Level - OS, Web server, System.

-SSH port change, SSH key access, limit root access, file & folder permissions, update Linux, update wordops stack. Disable wordops backend Auth. Install only required tools & utilities.

  1. Application security- Wordpress.

-Update Wordpress, minimum use of plugins, follow best security practices.

Following these guidelines will not only release extra resources from VPS but this will optimize server operations.

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