Seems in debian 12 there is a issue with a key? Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg)

second issue is fail2ban will not start

fail2ban                [2194]: ERROR   Failed to access socket path: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock. Is fail2ban running?
[3109]: ERROR   Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for sshd jail
[3109]: ERROR   Async configuration of server failed

WIll there be a fix for both?

12 days later

anyone know how to fix these issues?

8 months later

i am having same issues. wonder if there's any update on this.

4 days later

Solved it.
Add sshd_backend = systemd in the file /etc/fail2ban/paths-debian.conf.

You may do this in the terminal:
echo "sshd_backend = systemd" >> /etc/fail2ban/paths-debian.conf

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