TheMukeshPatel I'm working on it.

Nginx package is already built but I will probably add a command wo stack migrate --nginx to provide the ability to update all websites's ssl.conf with HTTP/3 QUIC directives.
If you want to try it manually, Nginx package with HTTP/3 QUIC is available here for Ubuntu and here for Debian.
HTTP/3 QUIC configuration example is available here.

But it should be available in WordOps very soon. I was waiting for php packages to be available for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, but if it's still not available in a week, I will publish the next WordOps release without Ubuntu 24.04 LTS official support.

    5 days later

    VirtuBox A new WordOps release was published yesterday with HTTP/3 QUIC support !

    how has the upgrade gone with everyone?
    I noticed a hotfix release was made available. so I was curious if anyone had run into any issues

    22 days later

    I checked the protocol under network tab in Google Chrome, it's still h2. How to make h3 work?

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