• Resources
  • Getting your new WordPress site to respond to server IP address

I didn't want to make my site live immediately until migration was finished and had a hard time locating help for a newly installed WordPress instance. I wanted to use just the IP address of my DigitalOcean droplet until I was ready to go live.

I found that I had to edit the Nginx conf file for the site. I am using Ubuntu 22 on my droplet.

cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo nano mydomainname.com

add one line after "server {"

listen ip.you.want:80 default_server;

I think it can be private, public whatever, and whatever port if you need to keep 80 open


listen default_server;

save/exit and restart nginx using

sudo service nginx restart

Should be live at http://ip.you.want/

That's one way. Alternately you can edit your local hosts file to temporarily point that domain to the new server ip. Only works for you of course, but typically that's all you would want when migrating a site.

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