• SupportNginx
  • net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID not automatically renew SSL certificate

Hello WordOps users

I am using Uptrends.com website monitoring service free of charge.
Today I received "Error: 3019 - HTTPS certificate could not be validated" through Uptrends.com
When I open WordOps created website with SSL option HTTP/3 QUIC, I couldn't open because of "net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID" using Chrome.
SSL certificate is expired, but it isn't renew automatically.
How can I solve this issue?

Thank you so much.
Honggi An

I got this error all the time.

Your domain is properly configured but acme.sh was unable to issue certificate.
You can find more informations in /var/log/wo/wordops.log

So, I delete current website and create again by this command.

sudo -s
sudo wo site create honggian.com --letsencrypt
sudo wo site update honggian.com --proxy=

Thank you.

6 days later

There is no need to recreate the website. That would be disastrous if you're not using something behind a proxy. You might only force renew the certificate instead:

wo site update domain.com --le=renew --force

Check if your root's crontab has a line like that:

52 13 * * * "/etc/letsencrypt"/acme.sh --cron --home "/etc/letsencrypt" --config-home "/etc/letsencrypt/config" > /dev/null

It will ensure the automatic renewal procedures run daily.

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