Main Question:
From the starting point of a site being installed with the --wpredis flag but Redis not enabled in the Redis plugin, what would be the best way to either disable all caching or edit the make sure URLs or URL forwards/rewrites are not cached?

Back Story:
I have an WooCommerce store that has a ton of weird and crazy customizations to it for a very specific use case. This includes URL rewrites and in some cases if a URL doesn't match certain criteria it just dumps the user to the home page. I think at times this is getting cached and so if this happens in one of the categories that entire category ends up just getting forwarded to the home page. If I purge the entire cache from Ngnix helper, the issue goes away.

So far it hasn't been too often, but it does happen and with ecommerce you know how people are if it doesn't work they just bounce. This is a very special type of store so I'm not overly concerned about click through rates and such, but it should still just work all of the time.

I know this is not conventional, it's not ideal. There were specific requirements for this store that ended up resulting in these goofy URL rewrites.


You can add to the urls/paths that skip page caching (i.e. create a custom version of the relevant include file, redis-php8x.conf in /etc/nginx/common/)
I don't really follow why these rewrites being cached is a problem though.

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