FYI this is not my script so all the credit to this fellow who wrote it and shared.

I had been looking for a simple, current, working script for backing up to remote storage. Also a documented way to restore from said backup. I found the following which works perfect, I have tested. Its simple and works well. There is no restore script but I am including the steps below. You could easily script it but restores don't happen as often as backups so maybe not a big deal.

You will need to adjust the script's storage piece to fit your own purposes but its just using rclone and is thus simple stuff.

Restore steps

  1. cd to /var/www

    • rename current domain "" -> ""
    • rclone copy remote:sites/
    • tar --zstd -xvf backup-file.tar.zst
  2. cd to /var/www/

    • wp db reset --yes --allow-root

    • wp db import /var/www/ --allow-root
      a. this will restore db files to /var/lib/mysql/…etc
      b. db name is stored in wp-config.php

  3. rm backup files from /var/www/

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