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  • WordOps stopped working and no solution works

Today, from no where, when I tried to run wo commands, I got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/wo", line 6, in <module>
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

So I tried:
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/wo && wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo

From which I got:
Welcome to WordOps install/update script v3.21.3

Installing wo dependencies [OK]
Installing WordOps [OK]
Running post-install steps [OK]
wo: line 927: wo: command not found
WordOps (wo) installed successfully

To enable bash-completion, just use the command:
bash -l

To install WordOps recommended stacks, you can use the command:
wo stack install

To create a first WordPress site, you can use the command:
wo site create site.tld --wp

WordOps Documentation : https://docs.wordops.net
WordOps Community Forum : https://community.wordops.net

Give WordOps a GitHub star : https://github.com/WordOps/WordOps/

Of course, its kinda obvious it wont work due to this line: wo: line 927: wo: command not found

Anyway, I tried: sudo wo site list
And, of course, it didnt work. I got:
sudo: wo: command not found

If I run it without sudo, result is the same:
wo: command not found

I know there were instructions to open an issue on github, but I dont think its a bug. I believe there is a way bigger chance I did something wrong, so after many testings and researchs I come here looking for some insigths.
Can someone point me a direction?

5 days later

It will be difficult to suggest steps to solve the issue without access to your logs and more information about your environment.

However, the first error message tells me that your Python environment is broken, and WO has been affected by it.

On the rare occasions this happens to me, I prefer to spin a new VPS and migrate the sites. It's less work than debugging and is guaranteed to work.

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