• Support
  • Letsencrypt validation not working with GeoIP

  • Ddutuka

      Level 1

    Hello community,
    i setup GeoIP successfully but letsencrypt validation also get blocked by GeoIP, adding new or renewing SSL doesnt work.

    To make it work, i have to comment out (disable) letsencrypt validation (line 34-39) in common/location-wo.conf and put these lines before another include rules in sites-available/domain.

    Letsencrypt validation works with this work around, but i have to edit this for every domains. Is there any way to make it work for all existing domains and new domain without editing every single domain conf file?

    Or can Wordops handle Letsencrypt validation with highest priority (level) in the next update, so that it can work out of the box.

    Thank you.

      • Mmarty

        Level 82

      dutuka i setup GeoIP successfully...

      How? If you provide the changes you made someone may be able to suggest a fix/workaround/better approach.

      • Ddutuka

          Level 1

        My final solution to allow letsencrypt challenging for geoIP is:

        1. Create file GeoIP.conf in conf.d folder, then add following lines:
          geoip_country /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;
          # Allow letsenrypt validation acme_challenge for geoIP
          map $request_uri $acme_challenge {
              default yes;
              ~^/.well-known/acme-challenge/ yes;        
        2. Create geoip_allow_ssl_ace.conf in /etc/nginx/common/ , then add following lines:
           # Allow letsenrypt validation acme_challenge for geoIP
              if ($acme_challenge = yes) {
              set $allowed_country yes;

        Reload nginx: service nginx reload
        Then create SSL enabled site: wo site create domain -wp -le
        Letsencrypt validation is not blocked by GeoIP now.

          • Ddutuka

              Level 1

            Since GeoIP is not activated in Wordops by default, this is a custom config, but this solution might be useful in future if we can can activate GeoIP as a Wordops option.

            dutuka Default should be no, right?

            6 days later

            it depends on your needs, for letsencrypt challenging i let default yes, everything else default no

            I mean, this block:

            map $request_uri $acme_challenge {
                default yes;
                ~^/.well-known/acme-challenge/ yes;        

            Is equivalent to this pseudocode:

            $default = 'yes';
            $acme_challenge = $default;
            if $request_uri matches "^/.well-known/acme-challenge/" {
                $acme_challenge = 'yes'

            I.e., your logic does not have a no state but only the default 'yes' outside and inside the match; it doesn't matter what, $acme_challenge will always be equal to yes.

            If this is the expected behaviour, then the entire block is unnecessary. 🙂

            • Ddutuka

                Level 1

              Thats correct for my use case since i have another GeoIP blocks, which already include default no, it then also block requests to ~^/.well-known/acme-challenge/ , hence adding or renewing SSL stop working.

              After adding

              map $request_uri $acme_challenge {
              default yes;
              ~^/.well-known/acme-challenge/ yes;

              on top of other blocking rules, adding or renewing SSL works again.

              • Ddutuka

                  Level 1

                oh i see, default yes is not needed, this also works:

                map $request_uri $acme_challenge {
                ~^/.well-known/acme-challenge/ yes;

                I dont set no state because LetsEncrypt keeps adding/changing countries for validating SSL, so all requests (only) to /.well-known/acme-challenge/ are allowed by default.

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