Redirect URL Parameter

I am having problems with the url parameters generated by the google search engine with the url:
(It seems that this is a parameter when a visitor comes to my article on google)

The problem is, the page that appears is the 404 Not Found page instead of the Hello World/article page

I tried on several other websites, almost all of them will be redirected to the homepage (which does not use wordops)
And websites that use wordops will display the 404 page.

How do I redirect the page (entirely) if I visit the url with these parameters?
I use rank math redirect but no results

Thanks guys

  • Mmarty

    Level 82

404 is a correct response here as the url you posted is an invalid request (if a url has query parameters it should start with a '?' not an '&').

And although those are Google parameters, Google doesn't pass them on to the destination site anyway so there's no normal reason that somebody would hit that url (even if it was correctly formed). If you try a Google search and click through to the site you should see it's fine.

Where do you see this problem? How did it come to your attention? My guess is some junk crawler/bad bot creating or hitting invalid urls (in which case you don't need to fix anything as 404 is good)..

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