• SupportWordPress
  • SSL does not work for subdomains on Wordpress Multisite installed with WordOps

I chose WordOps to install a Wordpress Multisite with the option for subdomains, wildcard SSL, and configured DNS on Cloudflare, but my decision turned into a nightmare. The main site works without problems, but the subdomain does not.

When Cloudflare is paused, the browser warns that the connection is not secure. If I accept to continue, the site loads normally, but the padlock shows that SSL is not active. With Cloudflare active, the site is blocked and the message "Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526" appears.

DNS is configured on Cloudflare with an A record, * as name, and server IP.

How do I solve this problem?

What does wo site info <site_name> report?
Maybe try reissuing the certificate, wo site update <site_name> --letsencrypt=off (might need to do --letsencrypt=clean) then wo site update <site_name> --letsencrypt=wildcard --dns=<dns api provider>

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