Github :


  • [ACME] Display warning about sudo usage when issuing certificate with DNS API validation (require sudo -E)


  • [ACME] Resolve domain IP over HTTPS with Cloudflare DNS Resolver
  • [CORE] Cement Framework updated to v2.10.2
  • [SITE] database name = 0 to 16 characters from the site name + 4 randomly generated character
  • [SITE] database user = 0 to 12 characters from the site name + 4 randomy generated character
  • [STACK] Improve sysctl tweak deployment


  • [SITE] https redirection missing on subdomains sites
  • Issues with digitalocean mariadb repository
  • Cement Framework output handler issues
  • [CLEAN] check if Nginx is installed before purging fastcgi or opcache

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