Hello @VirtuBox,
I usually write Chinese, but I am not code background.
I tried to install mkdocs on Mac by following:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
brew install mkdocs
I still can not make it work as your instrcution at https://github.com/WordOps/docs.wordops.net
start mkdocs built-in web-server mkdocs serve or mkdocs.exe serve inside the repository folder
browse documentation live preview on
Here is information of my installation process below, it seems I need to do some configuration?
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
==> This script will install:
==> The following new directories will be created:
==> The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed.
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/include /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /usr/local/include /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown leealex1 /usr/local/include /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local/include /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> Searching online for the Command Line Tools
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/touch /tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress
==> Installing Command Line Tools (macOS High Sierra version 10.13) for Xcode-10.1
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate -i Command\ Line\ Tools\ (macOS\ High\ Sierra\ version\ 10.13)\ for\ Xcode-10.1
Software Update Tool
Downloading Command Line Tools (macOS High Sierra version 10.13) for Xcode
Downloaded Command Line Tools (macOS High Sierra version 10.13) for Xcode
Installing Command Line Tools (macOS High Sierra version 10.13) for Xcode
Done with Command Line Tools (macOS High Sierra version 10.13) for Xcode
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/rm -f /tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...
HEAD is now at 252bdc2f2 Merge pull request #7197 from Homebrew/dependabot/bundler/Library/Homebrew/parser-
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
abseil literate-git
archiver mockolo
azcopy mtoc
bic nef
biosig newrelic-cli
bnfc openlibm
cargo-instruments polynote
cassandra-cpp-driver protoc-gen-grpc-web
ccheck publish
container-structure-test qp
dhall-yaml raxml-ng
forcecli ruby@2.6
git-trim seal
go@1.13 swift-format
hdf5@1.10 swift-sh
hdt terraform-provider-libvirt
iam-policy-json-to-terraform tlx
iblinter vpn-slice
killswitch wapm
libcbor xclogparser
libfido2 zim
==> Updated Formulae
c-ares ✔ libfabric
curl-openssl ✔ libgaiagraphics
git ✔ libgeotiff
libev ✔ libgosu
readline ✔ libgphoto2
xz ✔ libgr
abcm2ps libgweather
abyss libhdhomerun
advancemenu libheif
adwaita-icon-theme libical
agda libjwt
aliyun-cli liblo
allure liblouis
amazon-ecs-cli liblwgeom
amqp-cpp libmatio
angle-grinder libmpdclient
angular-cli libmwaw
ansible libmypaint
ansible-lint libnet
antibody libnids
antlr@2 libnotify
apache-drill libowfat
apibuilder-cli libpeas
apollo-cli libphonenumber
appium libpq
appstream-glib libpulsar
arangodb libqalculate
arduino-cli libquantum
arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils librasterlite
armadillo librealsense
arp-sk libsecret
arpack libserdes
arping libsoup
arpoison libspatialite
artifactory libspectre
asciidoctorj libstfl
asciinema libsvm
asdf libtcod
astrometry-net libtommath
asymptote libtorrent-rasterbar
atari800 libtrng
atdtool libuninameslist
atlassian-cli libunwind-headers
auditbeat libupnp
aurora-cli libuv
autorest libvirt
aws-cdk libvmaf
aws-cfn-tools libwebsockets
aws-elasticbeanstalk libxkbcommon
aws-google-auth libxo
aws-okta libzdb
aws-sdk-cpp liquibase
aws-shell liquidctl
awscli liquigraph
awscli@1 logrotate
awscurl logstash
awslogs logtalk
awsume lolcat
azure-cli ltl2ba
azure-storage-cpp luaradio
b3sum luarocks
babel luit
babl lxc
bacula-fd mackup
bagit macvim
balena-cli magic-wormhole
ballerina mahout
bandcamp-dl mailutils
bandwhich mallet
bareos-client mame
basex man-db
bash-completion@2 manticoresearch
bazel mapserver
bde mariadb-connector-c
beagle mariadb-connector-odbc
bear mat2
benthos mbedtls
berglas mdbook
bfg mdcat
bibtexconv mdds
binaryen mdv
bind meilisearch
bison memcached
bit menhir
bitcoin mercurial
bitlbee mercury
bitrise mesa
bitwarden-cli meson
black metabase
blazegraph metricbeat
blink1 mgba
bluepill micro
bonnie++ micronaut
boot-clj mikutter
bowtie2 mill
broot miller
buildifier mingw-w64
buildkit minikube
bundletool minimal-racket
byobu minio
byteman minio-mc
bzt miniserve
cacli minizinc
caddy minizip2
caffe mit-scheme
calabash mitmproxy
calicoctl mk-configure
camlp5 mkdocs
cargo-c mkl-dnn
cargo-completion mkvtoolnix
carrot2 mlpack
cartridge-cli mlt
cassandra mmark
catch2 mmctl
ccache mmseqs2
ccm moarvm
cedille mockserver
ceres-solver molecule
certbot monero
certigo monetdb
cf-tool mongo-c-driver
cfengine mongo-cxx-driver
cfn-lint mongo-orchestration
cfr-decompiler mongoose
cfssl mosquitto
cgal mpd
cglm mutt
cgns mvnvm
cgrep mycli
chakra mypy
chamber mysql-connector-c++
charm-tools n
cheat nagios-plugins
checkstyle nanopb-generator
chicken nativefier
chisel navi
chronograf nbdime
circleci nco
citus ncurses
clblast ncview
clhep ne
cli53 needle
clojure neofetch
clojure-lsp neomutt
clojurescript netcdf
closure-compiler netdata
closure-stylesheets nethack
cloud-watch netlify-cli
clp netpbm
clutter newman
cmake nfdump
cobalt nginx
coccinelle ngt
cocoapods nifi
codec2 nift
codemod nng
codespell node
cogl node-build
cointop node-sass
coinutils node@12
comby nodeenv
commandbox nomad
composer now-cli
conan nqp
configen nrpe
confluent-platform nsd
conjure-up nss
consul ntp
contentful-cli nudoku
convox numpy
cookiecutter numpy@1.16
coreutils nushell
cpl nvm
cpp-gsl nwchem
cppman oauth2l
cpprestsdk ocaml
cpptest ocaml-findlib
crc ocaml-num
credstash ocamlbuild
cromwell ocamlsdl
crowdin ocrmypdf
crystal-icr octave
csound octomap
css-crush ode
cstore_fdw odpi
csvkit okteto
csvtomd omega
curl onnxruntime
dartsim opa
dasm open-image-denoise
datamash open-mpi
dav1d open-scene-graph
davmail openapi-generator
db-vcs openblas
ddrescue opencv
deark opencv@3
deno openexr
dependency-check openfortivpn
derby openimageio
detekt openjdk@11
devdash openssh
devspace operator-sdk
dhall orientdb
dhall-bash osc
dhall-json osm2pgsql
dhall-lsp-server osquery
dialog overmind
diceware pacapt
diff-pdf packetq
diffoscope pagmo
diffr paket
discount pandoc
dita-ot pandoc-citeproc
ditaa pandoc-crossref
django-completion parallel
dmd pari
docbook passenger
docbook-xsl pastel
docfx pcl
docker pdal
docker-completion pdfpc
docker-compose pdftoipe
docker-slim pdnsrec
docker-squash percona-toolkit
doctl petsc
dosbox-x petsc-complex
dovecot pgbadger
dpkg pgcli
dps8m pgpool-ii
draco pgroonga
dtc pgweb
dub phoronix-test-suite
dune php
duplicity php@7.2
duply php@7.3
dust phpstan
dvc picard-tools
dwarfutils pig
dxpy pipenv
dyld-headers pipx
dynare pjproject
e2fsprogs plantuml
easyrpg-player platformio
ec2-ami-tools pmd
ec2-api-tools pnpm
ecasound poco
eccodes poetry
ed points2grid
eg-examples poppler
ejabberd postgis
ejdb powerman
elasticsearch pre-commit
elb-tools prestodb
elixir prestosql
elm-format procs
emscripten procyon-decompiler
enchant proftpd
ensmallen proj
erlang proselint
erlang@20 proteinortho
erlang@21 protobuf
esptool protobuf-c
etcd protoc-gen-go
ethereum psc-package
etsh psftools
ettercap pssh
evince pulumi
exim pumba
exploitdb pushpin
ext2fuse pwntools
eye-d3 py3cairo
ezstream pyenv
faas-cli pyenv-virtualenv
fairymax pygitup
faiss pygments
fakeroot pygobject3
fantom pyinvoke
fastbit pylint
fastlane python
fastqc python@3.8
faudio pyvim
fcl qalculate-gtk
fdroidserver qca
fdupes qrupdate
fetch-crl r
fetchmail rabbitmq
ffmpeg radamsa
ffmpeg@2.8 radare2
ffuf rakudo
file-roller rakudo-star
fileicon rancid
findomain ratfor
firebase-cli rav1e
flann raylib
flashrom rds-command-line-tools
flatbuffers re-flex
flawfinder re2
flintrock rebar3
flow recon-ng
fluent-bit redis
fluid-synth redpen
flume remarshal
flvmeta renameutils
flyway repo
fmpp rex
fn ripgrep
fobis rocksdb
folly rom-tools
fon-flash-cli root
fonttools rpcgen
fop rst-lint
fork-cleaner rsyslog
format-udf rtv
fq ruby
freeciv ruby-build
freeglut ruby@2.4
frege ruby@2.5
frege-repl run
fribidi rust
frotz s3cmd
frpc s3fs
frps s6
frugal saxon
fselect sbcl
futhark sbjson
fzf sbt
galen sbuild
gambit scala
gambit-scheme scala@2.12
game-music-emu scalapack
gammaray scc
gandi.cli sccache
gatsby-cli scdoc
gauge sceptre
gcc scipy
gcc@8 scour
gcovr sdcc
gcviewer sdedit
gdal sdl2
gdb selenium-server-standalone
gdcm serf
gearman serverless
gedit sfk
geeqie shadowenv
gegl shairport-sync
genometools shellharden
geocode-glib shfmt
geoipupdate ship
geos shogun
gerbil-scheme siege
getdns signal-cli
gh simg2img
ghc simple-scan
ghc@8.6 simple-tiles
ghostscript sjk
gibo sk
gimme-aws-creds skaffold
git-annex skinny
git-archive-all sleuthkit
git-cinnabar smali
git-credential-manager sn0int
git-delta snapcraft
git-filter-repo solr
git-fixup solr@7.7
git-ftp sonar-scanner
git-gui sonarqube
git-plus sonarqube-lts
git-quick-stats spades
git-remote-gcrypt spatialite-gui
git-review spatialite-tools
git-revise sphinx-doc
git-standup spice-protocol
gitbucket spigot
giter8 spirv-cross
gitlab-gem spirv-tools
gitlab-runner spotbugs
gitleaks sqlcipher
gitmoji sqlmap
gitup sqlparse
gitversion sqoop
gjs srtp
glade ssdb
glances ssh-audit
gleam ssh-copy-id
glib sshuttle
glib-networking sslsplit
glibmm stanford-corenlp
glooctl stanford-ner
gmime stanford-parser
gmp starship
gmsh statik
gmt stellar-core
gmt@5 stgit
gnu-getopt stlink
go stolon
go-bindata storm
go-jira streamlink
go-statik stress-ng
gobject-introspection stubby
godep subversion
golang-migrate suite-sparse
golo sundials
gom supervisor
goreleaser suricata
govc svtplay-dl
gprof2dot swagger-codegen
gptfdisk swagger2markup-cli
gradle swift-protobuf
grafana swiftformat
grails switch-lan-play
graphicsmagick sync_gateway
graphviz syncthing
grin tailor
grin-wallet talisman
gromacs taskell
groovy tbox
groovysdk tccutil
grpc tcl-tk
grpc-swift tcptraceroute
grpcurl tealdeer
gsettings-desktop-schemas tee-clc
gsoap tektoncd-cli
gti telegraf
gtk+3 teleport
gtksourceview4 telnet
gtranslator telnetd
guile tepl
gx terraform
h264bitstream terraformer
hadoop terragrunt
hapi-fhir-cli terrahelp
hcloud terrahub
hdf5 texmath
helm tflint
helmfile tgui
help2man thefuck
hexyl tika
hg-fast-export tin
hmmer tiny-fugue
homeassistant-cli tinyxml2
hopenpgp-tools tmux
hostess todoman
howdoi tokei
htmldoc tomcat
httpie tomcat-native
hub tomcat@7
hugo tomcat@8
hyperkit tomee-plume
i2p tomee-plus
i2pd tomee-webprofile
ibex topgrade
idnits tor
igraph tox
igv traefik@1
ilmbase trafficserver
imagemagick translate-toolkit
imagemagick@6 trash-cli
imapfilter travis
imgproxy ttyd
inadyn tundra
inlets twarc
inspircd twine-pypi
instalooter txr
internetarchive txt2tags
ios-sim typescript
ios-webkit-debug-proxy u-boot-tools
ipfs ucloud
ipmiutil ucon64
ipopt umlet
ipython unbound
isl unifdef
istioctl upscaledb
itex2mml urh
itk v2ray-plugin
jack v8
jadx vala
jam valabind
jasmin vale
javacc vault
jbig2dec vault-cli
jboss-forge vaulted
jdnssec-tools vegeta
jenkins velero
jenkins-job-builder verilator
jenkins-lts vert.x
jetty vice
jetty-runner vim
jflex vips
jfrog-cli-go virgil
jhead visp
jhipster vnu
jinja2-cli vowpal-wabbit
joplin vsts-cli
joshua vte3
jrnl vtk
jruby vttest
jsonschema2pojo vulkan-headers
jsvc wakatime-cli
juise wal2json
juju walkmod
juju-wait wartremover
jupyterlab wasmer
just watson
jvgrep wcslib
k3d wdc
k6 weaver
kafka webdis
kaitai-struct-compiler webpack
kallisto webtorrent-cli
katago weechat
kawa whistle
kcptun whois
keepkey-agent wildfly-as
kepubify wireguard-tools
kerl wiremock-standalone
keydb wireshark
khard wp-cli-completion
kibana wpscan
knot wtf
knot-resolver wtfutil
kompose wxmaxima
kops x265
kotlin x3270
krakend x86_64-elf-binutils
krb5 x86_64-elf-gcc
krew xapian
ktoblzcheck xcodegen
kube-aws xmake
kubecfg xmlsectool
kubectx xmrig
kubeprod xonsh
kubernetes-cli xrootd
kubeseal xtensor
kubespy xxhash
kumo yaegi
lablgtk yamllint
lammps yapf
languagetool yarn
lapack yaz
latex2html ydcv
lazygit ykman
lcm yle-dl
lcov you-get
ldc youtube-dl
legit yq
lego z
leiningen zabbix
less zabbix-cli
lesspipe zeek
lft zero-install
lgogdownloader zimg
libarchive zola
libbi zookeeper
libcouchbase zsh
libdazzle zsh-syntax-highlighting
libewf zshdb
libexosip zydis
==> Deleted Formulae
apache-zeppelin cless gmediaserver sshrc
arx djmount jpcsp wu
camlp4 field3d neal zpython
ck ghc@8.2 openjdk@12
==> Installation successful!
==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate formulae and cask analytics.
Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here:
No analytics data has been sent yet (or will be during this `install` run).
==> Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating:
==> Next steps:
- Run `brew help` to get started
- Further documentation:
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ brew install mkdocs
==> Installing dependencies for mkdocs: readline, xz and python@3.8
==> Installing mkdocs dependency: readline
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/readline-8.0.4.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading from https://akamai.bintray.com/89/896a3d50ce8962ba56e853bdd590fadeabc00ab36475d143d6c2bea5cc15bb28?__gda__=exp=1584762947~hmac=0b82e3d7bdf655eaa56277d64f5638c9e24343519bbe37f5
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring readline-8.0.4.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
readline is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides the BSD libedit library, which shadows libreadline.
In order to prevent conflicts when programs look for libreadline we are
defaulting this GNU Readline installation to keg-only.
For compilers to find readline you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/readline/include"
For pkg-config to find readline you may need to set:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/readline/lib/pkgconfig"
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/readline/8.0.4: 48 files, 1.5MB
==> Installing mkdocs dependency: xz
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/xz-5.2.5.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading from https://akamai.bintray.com/14/1491b2b20c40c3cb0b990f520768d7e876e4ab4a7dc1da9994d0150da34ba5c6?__gda__=exp=1584762964~hmac=ce600f7b0dd5be68a5cbd0689244e6e73666ccf48c1d35aa
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring xz-5.2.5.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.5: 92 files, 1.1MB
==> Installing mkdocs dependency: python@3.8
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/python@3.8-3.8.2.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading from https://akamai.bintray.com/86/86652428afa471b42ddba7028de02767d933f35f55e538b362c9cc219e972405?__gda__=exp=1584762973~hmac=0440a95f2f69256fd11ada9870b64b21feeae03ac7c4ca66
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring python@3.8-3.8.2.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin/python3 -s setup.py --no-user-cfg install --force --verbose --install-scripts=/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin --install-lib=/usr/local/lib/pyt
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin/python3 -s setup.py --no-user-cfg install --force --verbose --install-scripts=/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin --install-lib=/usr/local/lib/pyt
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin/python3 -s setup.py --no-user-cfg install --force --verbose --install-scripts=/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2/bin --install-lib=/usr/local/lib/pyt
==> Caveats
Python has been installed as
You can install Python packages with
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin/pip3 install <package>
They will install into the site-package directory
See: https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-and-Python
python@3.8 is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because this is an alternate version of another formula.
If you need to have python@3.8 first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
For compilers to find python@3.8 you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/lib"
For pkg-config to find python@3.8 you may need to set:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/lib/pkgconfig"
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.2: 4,124 files, 62.8MB
==> Installing mkdocs
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/mkdocs-1.0.4_3.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading from https://akamai.bintray.com/73/7395cd3eea2efb8a58c42bd5b53fb2debb0b263f9874d62c9818b46ed2797227?__gda__=exp=1584763542~hmac=e2c1e9cb5c52d14aa5fe42f19935074ba5e9af28b03f34e0
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring mkdocs-1.0.4_3.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/mkdocs/1.0.4_3: 1,603 files, 18.5MB
==> Caveats
==> readline
readline is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides the BSD libedit library, which shadows libreadline.
In order to prevent conflicts when programs look for libreadline we are
defaulting this GNU Readline installation to keg-only.
For compilers to find readline you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/readline/include"
For pkg-config to find readline you may need to set:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/readline/lib/pkgconfig"
==> python@3.8
Python has been installed as
You can install Python packages with
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin/pip3 install <package>
They will install into the site-package directory
See: https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-and-Python
python@3.8 is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because this is an alternate version of another formula.
If you need to have python@3.8 first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
For compilers to find python@3.8 you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/lib"
For pkg-config to find python@3.8 you may need to set:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/lib/pkgconfig"
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs new my-project
INFO - Creating project directory: my-project
INFO - Writing config file: my-project/mkdocs.yml
INFO - Writing initial docs: my-project/docs/index.md
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
Config file '/Users/leealex1/mkdocs.yml' does not exist.
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
Config file '/Users/leealex1/mkdocs.yml' does not exist.
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs new my-project
INFO - Project already exists.
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
Config file '/Users/leealex1/mkdocs.yml' does not exist.
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/lib/pkgconfig"
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
Config file '/Users/leealex1/mkdocs.yml' does not exist.
MacBook-Pro-5:~ leealex1$