Hi, I was going through S3-Uploads installation steps and stuck with wp-cli.
Do WO has its own shell or I should try to install it additionally?
Utilizing WP-Cli in WordOps
What was the problem? I also installed S3-Uploads just yesterday w/o any issue. How did you install it? Via Composer or manually?
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I tried to install it manually. Wp-cli is necessary for further commands (i.e. media synchronization).
At this point I get a blank page (plugin error) after activation).
Prior to this I added key and secret to wp config. Expected it to work without composer and wp-cli, but it didn't.
What was your steps? I'd appreciate short how-to.
wp-cli is required and it comes with WordOps, did you install it with wo stack install --wpcli ?
Yes, wp-cli was installed already. As for s3 plugin I managed to install it with composer. But I had to chawn plugin directory to ubuntu:ubuntu ownership (same as composer). Then unpacked zip and ran composer install there.
At this point everything works fine with S3 bucket. Flight is totally normal. Thanks)
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- Best Answerset by Solaris
Hello Solaris,
to use composer without permissions issues, the easiest is to give temporary shell access to www-data user :
# enable shell access
sudo usermod -s /bin/bash www-data
Then login as www-data with
# login as www-data
sudo su - www-data
After performing tasks, you can remove shell access with
# removing shell access
sudo usermod -s /bin/false www-data
Can someone leave shell permissions and simply have no bash so they can't login?
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VirtuBox Would you please edit the error in the second command you've provided here? I often refer back to this post, and copy paste the commands. I am sure others do the same. It would be nice if "wwdata" were corrected to "www-data". Thanks.
jonathannz Done
I just don't get how to USE wp-cli in a wordops environment.
Are there tutorials on this? do I type wo wp command?
just the wp command?
I just don't like how every site on wordops is the same user. this seems barbaric to me.
I just don't get how to USE wp-cli in a wordops environment.
cd /var/www/domain.com/htdocs
wp user list
It's precisely the same thing as any other WordPress in the world.
I just don't like how every site on wordops is the same user. this seems barbaric to me.
That's one of the beauties of open source: anyone can fork WO and implement separate pools.
Just kidding, I know it's easier to complain than to contribute to the software we use daily.
Eventually, WO will have dedicated PHP pools, but for now, we have to live with the current situation.