Hi all again! Do you use "staging" sites in your WordPress projects before production or
or to test new features in your sites? What is your favourite methods to create a staging site of your site?

Emocion changed the title to Staging site (wordpress test environment) .

I personally use local development and then push through git control.

It's a feature request to get staging officially added and I think having a "staging" > "production" would be a great idea

you can follow it here, WordOps/WordOps#99

Wow thank you very much @jond1 Wordops rocks!!

It's a great notice, better than using Vagrant!

We'll wait this great update

you can also look at this project in a local environment https://localwp.com/, after everything is ready, you can use the Updraftplus plugin to put it into production. following the tip of our friend @ john1

    JuanMaia thank you ver y much! Its like wp staging plugin for WordPress. I'll wait the wordops update for this freature!

    vividpro; they have a lifetime deal, too, on backing up and staging;

    Emocion updraftplus has a free version with external backup, see directly by wordpress

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