
In some case, we need change wordpress site domain to another one, how to do it please?


  • Personally, I use UpdraftPlus and it works great. I did a migration yesterday and it was flawless and easy.

    Ran Updraft, then cp -Rf wp-content/updraft/* to the new domain, and ran the restore process.

With the currently available features, you will need to delete and create a new domain.

    Thanks jond1

    That means imgration of site, right?

    If yes, That is just the reason why we are talking about this topic, since we need lots of work to do when we decide to migrate a site, also there is a risk of failing of migration.

    I tried lots of plugins for migration, but most of them does not support multisite.

    It would be great if there is fast and safe way to change a domain in Wordops, and this feature would be much attractive.


    Personally, I use UpdraftPlus and it works great. I did a migration yesterday and it was flawless and easy.

    Ran Updraft, then cp -Rf wp-content/updraft/* to the new domain, and ran the restore process.

      Migrating a site is pretty much just files+database. Plugins make it super easy. But they aren't necessary if you're having trouble. You can backup and restore MySQL, and move all the files just from the command line. So it's really just:-

      1. Backup the old site
      2. Create the new site in WordOps
      3. Restore the database to the new site
      4. Copy all the files to the new site.
      5. Update the site domain in WP settings/general.

      When it's all working OK, then you can redirect or shut down the old domain.



        So, the old site will runing with IP during migration process please?

          alexlii1971 So, the old site will runing with IP during migration process please?

          Not sure what you mean by 'running with IP', but as you're just copying everything nothing will happen to the old site until you remove it.

          a year later

          jond1 Hi! I purchased Updraft as I saw you recommended it, but I'm having lots of problems migrating sites. I contacted support and they say it could be an issue with file permissions, firewall or mod_security settings. Did you have to do much on the server side so Updraft could work well? Just wondering if the way WordOps configures things is not compatible by default.

          Perhaps you should provide more details on what kind of permission issues are you experiencing an because I also use UpdraftPlus without any issues.

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