
I am not able to create a site, because downloading wordpress fails:
wo site create test1.mydomain.eu --wp --php74 -le

Running pre-update checks [OK]
Setting up NGINX configuration [Done]
Setting up webroot [Done]
Downloading WordPress [Fail]
There was a serious error encountered...
Cleaning up afterwards...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/wo/cli/plugins/site_create.py", line 375, in default
wo_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data, vhostonly)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/wo/cli/plugins/site_functions.py", line 276, in setupwordpress
raise SiteError("download WordPress core failed")
wo.cli.plugins.site_functions.SiteError: 'download WordPress core failed'

Is it some error on Wordpress.org side?

I know the reason now:
According to your "How to" - https://docs.wordops.net/how-to/wp-language/ - I prepared ~/.wp-cli/config.yml file with the content:

core download:
  locale: cs_CZ

It seems there is not Wordpress with cs_CZ locale on your download source.
When I deleted the config.yml, site creation si working...

WordOps does not have any "download source". It just uses wp-cli for what's needed.

So, yes, you discovered that it's not possible to install WP with locale cs_CZ (the same occurs with pt_BR, my preferred language; I always configure locale after installation).

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