• Support
  • Anybody using Brotli Compression?

Hey guys,
Brotli Compression is disabled by default but we can use it by renaming /nginx/conf.d/brotli.conf.disabled to brotli.conf and restart the NGINX web server. I did the same to use the Brotli Compression on my sites but facing some weird issue where some Content Types aren't being compressed by Brotli but gzip.

Only text/html is being compressed while CSS and JS are still having content-encoding: gzip. I am using the latest version of WordOps, NGINX, PHP 7.4 with --wprocket flag.

Is anyone here using Brotli Compression and able to get the CSS, JS files compressed through it on the frontend? I think it's due to some Brotli Configuration but still, I would like to know how others are doing so that I can look into other conflicts.
Thanks 🙂

I install wo by default and when I test it's use content-encoding: br for all tex/html, js, css

I think you should do a search before asking questions. There are plenty of posts about Brotli on this forum.

    tyrro I already did the search and couldn't find the relevant thread. I would be really grateful if you can find the one for me.

    Sorry for above comment, i use br by activate it on CloudFlare, wordOps use gzip by default.

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