• Questions
  • How to use Wordops on local computer?


I tried wordops on local computer, but I found wordops use both localhost and by default.

Please check the screeshot: http://prntscr.com/v6ru5s

So, is it possible to use Wordops locally please?

If yes, how should I create a site by wo site create --wp?


    alexlii1971 Hello,
    yes you can use WordOps locally, just create a site with wo site create localhost --wp or wo site create -wp.

      alexlii1971 localhost is only an alias for, that's why WordOps dashboard is available on both address (because there is no server_name defined on port 22222), but if you create a WordPress site, WordOps will define a server_name in Nginx configuration, localhost or, so you should be able to create a site localhost and another one

        Hello VirtuBox

        Thanks for reply.

        I tried lots of time, if I am right, it does not work since v3.12.3 - WordOps, and it works before that version.

        Both and localhost will be used for Wordops backend even if sites are created.

        So, the sites with and localhost will not accessable, but the site with local IP will work.


        4 years later

        Para isso dar certo, é preciso:

        1. Definir o site como site padrão:
        wo site edit seu-dominio.com.br

        server {
                listen 80 default_server;
                listen [::]:80 default_server;
                server_name seu-dominio www.seu-dominio

        2. Desativar o site padrão existente:
        rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

        3. Atualizar o arquivo /etc/hosts com o domínio especificado:
        sudo nano /etc/hosts
        --> Definir:    seu-dominio.com.br
                ::1                 seu-dominio.com.br

        sudo wo stack restart

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