
Having wp-Rocket with unlimited sites involves licensing costs and clients will ask why there are other options within wp-rocket that are not enagaged and also create costs like CDN and image processing.

Personally I have 3 paid licenses and I also use BunnyCDN and WebP Express.
But I have many webprojects and I would be more happy with an open source version of the cache that works equally well.

However it seems the optimizations of WordOps are tailored to WP-Rocket.
So how to replicate these settings for example in Total Cache (if that is any good)?

Thank you.

WordOps does have a config for Wp-Rocket - but it's mostly tailored to using the page caching built in to Nginx, or Redis. So no need for Wp-Rocket :-). See the site create commands here.

im using autoptimize with wordops fastcgi works very well

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