Hello @virtualbox,

VPN is so widely used for various purpose, and is supported by VPS providers, for example:


Is it possible to support OpenVPN installation by Wordops natively please?


i dont know about open vpn but currently im using wireguard along with wordops for personal blog + vpn tunenl on one of my 1gb ram server. both works absolutely fine


    corus9 im using wireguard along with wordops for personal blog + vpn tunenl

    would you please let me know how to setup wireguard VPN on the server please?

    Any tutorial would be great apprieciated.



      Great thank.

      Two question please:

      1# is there no any potestial issue to set it work with wordops at sametime?

      2# By the way, is it possible to provide commercial business by wireguard VPN please?

      Thanks so much.


        1. ive been using it along with wordops from last 6 months, no issue so far
        2. yes you can distribute or modify as per your requirements


          Thanks so much, and I tried installation on a Digitalocean server, and also installed client on my PC with Windows, and it show connected, but I always failed to access any websites once it is connected.

          But, It show send 53 kib, but recieved 0 B.

          FYI, I am using digitalocean server in San jose, and I am in China, and I use the server default DNS.

          Would you please let me know what might be the reason please?

            A VPN is not the point of WordOps. If you want to install a VPN, go ahead. We're not stopping you. It's not core to WordOps though.

              @alexlii1971 WordOps has a singular goal. Be the best at serving WordPress.

              Can answer how installing a VPN makes the installation process of WordPress better?

              It's much better to be best at one thing, then try to do 20 things and do none of them well.

              This is feature creep and is not necessary to go into core.

              sir jond1 please help me of my topic

                jounin huh? what topic? This topic is about VPNs, unrelated to WordPress entirely.

                  i dont know how to fix that or let chat

                    jounin you should be responding in that thread, not hijacking someone else's thread....


                    run traceroute for your droplet ip from your home network, since you are from china may be firewall issue ?


                      Thanks for reply, yes, mabye.

                      I already tried all of these DNS server:

                      1) Current system resolvers
                      2) Google
                      4) OpenDNS
                      5) Quad9
                      6) AdGuard
                      But no lucky to me, would you please let me know whether the reason is DNS server please?

                      If yes, any other alternative DNS for choice please?


                        run this in your cmd

                        tracert <dropletIP>

                        if you get too many timed out result then may be china's firewall is blocking your connection , get china optimized server may be like NAT server only for wireguard.

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