• Questions
  • Nginx configuration to serve cache without PHP

How inside in my Nginx configuration directory, create a new file named xy.conf, and after that file, I need to put it inside the server block on my main Nginx config

In my installation, I have 2 websites. I need that in the first one.


That's where you place your custom configurations. There is an include inside the server block which defines domain.com.

Don't forget to reload or restart Nginx after placing your files in the conf directory.

    That's because it indeed is a directory.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say...

      portofacil Sorry, about that. For example, if I write wo site edit mydomain.com I can write a code.

      Please tell me every step or if I must type something before /var/www/domain.com/conf/nginx, so that I can write it my custom conf.

      Yes, you should "navigate" to the right directory:

      cd /var/www/domain.com/conf/nginx

      Then edit your file:

      vim magic-config.conf

      (Or nano, or whatever you prefer.)

      When you finish editing your .conf file, test whether it's okay:

      nginx -t

      If everything is fine, reload it.

      service nginx reload

      Perhaps you need to sudo something; I always assume people are using root to work on their servers, but I might be wrong.

      6 days later

      But you know that Nginx FastCGI Cache does the same things, and you can easy enabled it using WordOps ?

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