
Because I rely on WordOps a lot, and because it's practically abandoned, I decided to take advantage of the fact this is an Open Source project, making some changes.

Even though it's not ideal (or desirable), it works well for my servers.

The first thing I should say is that I'm not a Python programmer, and I don't even understand the "PIP" world. Secondly, since the project seems abandoned, it's pointless to submit PRs to the main repository.

So, I changed a few scripts from WO core, adapted my Nginx configuration, and wrote a script to assemble the pieces for me.

The final result worked fine enough for me to share it on GitHub.

Don't believe me, and make backups before you try, in case it doesn't work out (and you wreck your server). I can't offer support for this script, nor can I be held responsible if something bad happens.

    so far so good but for some reason wo stack reload --all command shows Reloading mysql [KO]
    log: wo.core.logging : mysql: unrecognized service
    though mysql service is up and mariadb is active

      corus9 I had the same bug on regular WO, and I could not fix it in my patch. 🙁

      systemctl status mariadb.service shows mariadb is active so i;m guessing some version mismatch or incompatibility with the wo core

      so far working so good, yesterday rolled out this update on one of my production let's see how it handle under the load

        corus9 Theoretically, PHP8 should perform better than PHP7. I'm using it in 100+ servers now, so far so good.

        Thank you .. I have WO on 30+ boxes .. love it .. lets keep it alive .. trying php8 now

        Thank you. Next weekend I'm going to update my server.

          Hello portofacil,

          sorry for the delay on the next WordOps update. I'm currently working on it. Feel free to open a PR if you managed to add PHP 8 to WordOps.

            3 months later
            10 days later

            so, WordOps now officially support php8?

            I checked documentation at

            but I did not found the way upon instalingl php8 with wordpress, anyone would like to confirm what is the right way please? or is the following is right?

            sudo -E wo site create --wpsubdir --wpredis --php8 --letsencrypt=wildcard --dns=dns_dgon

            Thanks for in advance.

            Yes, it supports PHP 8, all you have to do is to inform --php80 or --php81 when creating a new site. Exactly as you'd expect it to be.

            7 days later


            Thank you for all your work. I remember when WO first took off, and the work from yourself and @VirtuBox on EasyEngine too. I actually just came to the forum today to see how things were going and I was really surprised to read that WO is "practically abandoned" -- (though obviously it still works great.) Just sad to hear it.

              b167er there was an update few days back so i guess its still being maintained but yeah new features are very unlikely to come by sooner

              b167er The update was also only made available due to pressure from the community, Virtubox was also last online 3 months ago.

              Anyways, WordOps is 100% open source. Whoever wants to fork it and start a new product is welcome.

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