Because I rely on WordOps a lot, and because it's practically abandoned, I decided to take advantage of the fact this is an Open Source project, making some changes.
Even though it's not ideal (or desirable), it works well for my servers.
The first thing I should say is that I'm not a Python programmer, and I don't even understand the "PIP" world. Secondly, since the project seems abandoned, it's pointless to submit PRs to the main repository.
So, I changed a few scripts from WO core, adapted my Nginx configuration, and wrote a script to assemble the pieces for me.
The final result worked fine enough for me to share it on GitHub.
Don't believe me, and make backups before you try, in case it doesn't work out (and you wreck your server). I can't offer support for this script, nor can I be held responsible if something bad happens.