Hey, @VirtuBox!

Do you have plans to integrate PHP 8.2 into WO?

Perhaps I can work on a PR for it next weekend.


    Hi, could you leave support for older phps? Many people still have their sites with older versions of php, I hope you consider it and don't remove it now 🙂

      Dennis-Developer As old as php7.2 though? 7.2 is over 2 years past it's end of life now. And there were very few breaking changes from 7.2 to 7.4.

      I will open a poll about removing PHP 7.2

      portofacil If you have some free time, feel free to open a PR, the next WordOps release is planned for the end of december.

      VirtuBox If it was my call, I would remove PHP 7.2. But I can't imagine how this would impact the whole user base.

      I'm looking at the repo right now, hopefully in a couple of hours you'll have your PR to have some fun over the weekend. 🙂

      9 days later

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