- Edited
I have found an easy alternative fix with Tiny File Manager.
Follow these steps under, just change domain.ltd with own domain.
- Create a new site, remeber DNS: "sudo wo site create files.domain.ltd --php83 --le"
- Then download Tiny File Manager:
sudo wget -P /var/www/files.**domain.ltd** https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager/archive/refs/tags/2.5.0.zip
Install unzip: "sudo apt-get install unzip"
unzip: "sudo unzip /var/www/files.domain.ltd 2.5.0.zip -d /var/www/files.domain.ltd"
then copy tinyfilemanager.php to www folder:sudo cp /var/www/files.**domain.ltd**/tinyfilemanager-2.5.0/tinyfilemanager.php /var/www/
- Edit nginx config for site: "sudo site edit files.domain.ltd", and change root to /var/www/
- Add tinyfilemanager.php to index in nginx config OR rename tinyfilemanager.php to index.php
- You can now access Tiny File Manager, at files.domain.ltd
- Default username/password:
and user/12345.
Warning: Please set your own username and password in $auth_users before use. password is encrypted with password_hash(). to generate new password hash here
To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false.
You can edit username and password with: "sudo nano /var/www/tinyfilemanager.php" or if you renamed to index.php "sudo nano /var/www/index.php"
- You can now delete tinyfilemanager-2.5.0 folder inside files.domain.ltd with Tiny File Manager
Best of luck!