• Questions
  • WordOps setup for fastcgi_cache + WP Rocket + rocket-nginx

I've read fastcgi_cache does not touch let user requests reach PHP, while WP Rocket does. So it's a lesser load on the server. Awesome! However, WP Rocket can do more than caching, and I might like to keep it, at least for those other features. According to WP Rocket, you can have both, thanks to rocket-nginx.

If I wanted to do that, how would I set that up on WordOps end?
--wpfc, --wprocket, or even --wpfc --wprocket?
And afterwards the installation steps from rocket-nginx, or before?

  • You can have the best of both world, use Nginx FastCGI caching with WP Rocket features.

    Just install this plugin from WP Rocket -> https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/61-disable-page-caching

    Do note however this will disable WP Rocket caching entirely, and WP Rocket "Clear Cache" button won't work anymore. You have to use Nginx Helper "Purge Cache" instead.

"You can also use both Nginx FastCGI cache and WP Rocket’s page caching, though we don’t recommend this approach." (quoted from your link)

WordOps already has rules for WP Rocket to work if you use the flag --wprocket. I looked over the rules nginx-rocket and they are the same as those in WordOps, except nginx-rocket by SatelliteWP have some extra headers.

If you use WP Rocket, you don't need FastCGI Cache anymore. If there are static versions created by WP Rocket, will be served to visitors.

You can have the best of both world, use Nginx FastCGI caching with WP Rocket features.

Just install this plugin from WP Rocket -> https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/61-disable-page-caching

Do note however this will disable WP Rocket caching entirely, and WP Rocket "Clear Cache" button won't work anymore. You have to use Nginx Helper "Purge Cache" instead.

    Faizi Thanks! And then set up the site with --wpfc?

      Depending on what features you need, nginx fasgcgi caching + something like Autoptimize + Cloudflare, could work really well. All my assets; JS, CSS, IMGs, are cacehed at the edge, and then my pages are fully cached by WO using fastcgi caching. So the entire site is cached.

      My server isn't seeing any load at all at 10,000 uniques/mo on a $3.50/mo Lightsail instance at Amazon.

        4 months later

        jond1 nginx fasgcgi caching + something like Autoptimize + Cloudflare


        is there Woocomerce running on your site please? I just wonder whether this way is compatible with Wooccomerce, it would be great help if you could share your experience.

        By the way, did you deactivate Redis in this case please?

        Thanks and have a nice day.

        3 years later

        jond1 nginx fasgcgi caching + something like Autoptimize + Cloudflare

        what is the score in this configration please?
        I noted that Google take Web Core Vital into ranking, So, did you tested with the lighthouse please?

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