• Support
  • After installation, how do I update my old site to php7.2?

I don't see any new config file in /etc/nginx/common

And my site still using php7.0

A little help please.


    4 days later

    kennguyen Yeah, I'm also having issues.

    I tried both ee site update example.com --php72 and wo site update example.com --php72 and neither worked.

    Hoping @Michel or @jeroenops might weigh in here.

    Are you using the newest version? There was a bug, with the ports, which has been solved a couple of weeks ago. It's also possible to fix this manually, by opening the upstream.conf file and editing the PHP port from 9070 to 9072 and 9170 to 9172 for the debugging.

      jeroenops Yes, I'm using the newest version that I installed yesterday. Now what should I do?

      root@servidor-juliocorrea:# wo site update xxx.com.br --php72
      Site xxx.com.br does not exist.

      What happen??

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