
I know Wordops support create site by the command line "wo create site site.ltd --wprocket".

Two question please:

  1. Does that mean we need install the plugin of WP-rocket after the site created by the comand line:“wo create site site.ltd --wprocket” please?

2.If yes, why not just use the command line "wo create site site.ltd", and then install the Wp-rockect directly?


  1. Yes.
  2. Because Nginx dont have htaccess file and all rules for caching are added by WordOps when you use --wprocket flag.


    I note there is a description athttps://docs.wordops.net/about/changelog/#added_15

    Add Nginx directive gzip_static on; to serve precompressed assets with Cache-Enabler or WP-Rocket. (Issue #207)

    so, there is some optimzation configuration by Wordops if Wp-rockect used please?


    vasiler Thanks for great sharing.

    and it is really great that you like share your practical experience and your knowledge.

    Thanks again.

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