any one there trying on wordops to duplicate a wordpress site into another domain at safe method
Working or instruction to share.. without Using a Plugin

Is this on the same server?
Is this site replacing the old one (i,e. same site new domain)?

No sir Old server to the new Server and Yes Same Site Content But New Domain

    im doing that more than 7 hrs ago.. my Old server have a marian db 10.3 and my And New Server
    Have marian db 10.5 which is the latest but after import the .sql database coming from the old server
    to new one the wordpress new domain is blank

      Would have been useful to mention that..!
      The database is blank or the website is blank?
      Did you copy the old wp-config.php into htdocs? If so, remove it (WordOps has a wp-config in the folder above).

        jounin if database is blank then run this on your old server mysqlcheck --all-databases if everything is fine then do you get success message once you import database on your new server ? also as marty said leave wp-config intact no need to overwrite it

        at first i remove the wp-config.php then its say create manually then i go to
        to installation set up and fill out form my old wp-config
        then i type
        wp db clean --yes --allow-root
        wp db import wordops.sql --allow-root
        then success at first i go to the website but and it looks broken fresh wordpress then i login to wp-login.php
        and i Flush Cache and it works yay..

        corus9 i will try this later the search and replace

        25 days later

        jounin that doesnt have to do anything with wp search-replace

        are you sure restore was successful ? if yes then install phpmyadmin and rest password from user table

        3 years later

        You probably didn't change the prefix in wp-config.php. It must be the same as in the imported database. In Wordops, is wp_. in the imported database it may be different. It won't work without this change.

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