Just wondering, access the the wordpress backend /wp-admin/ is suddenly very slow. I mean REALLY slow and I get sometimes timeouts. Sites are via Cloudflare.

I wonder if anybody has/had a similar experience and how to fix it.

I noticed it only since a few weeks.

try to create page rule on cloudflare wp-admin security level high or under attack
i think your site is flooded of bots..

providing information about your hosting and environment would be helpful.

As Jounin suggested, it also might be getting a lot of brute force attacks. I use Cloudflare Access to only allow authorized users to login to my backend

Yeah, dig in to your stats, logs and admin tools - until you narrow down what's happening it's pretty hard to fix it.

I suggest you to deactivate all plugins and switch to a standard WP theme for testing.

If after that your sites becomes more responsive, then you go reactivating one by one, until you find the culprit.

Also, I've seen some cases like this that were solved switching cache from wpredis to wpfc.

8 days later

Sorry for the late show. Had one site I couldn't access after disabling all plugins. That is fixed now.

Back to the slow /wp-admin/ access. That is still there. My server is a 4Gb RAM VPS in NL. I don't think they throttle me, and anyway, the pages load fast. I have some rules for the: /wp-admin/ access.

Not sure about the bots. I don't see malware (I know how that looks, had that before, not on this server), but there are certainly many failed login attempts. I can login only from a few IPs. A reach to admin from the wrong IP will trigger an instant block.

When I look at the "bad" traffic on Wordfence I don't see lots of hits, usually below 100 per hour. That should not really effect the performance I believe.

Where can I look at next? Maybe some site settings are not so good. My server experience is rather low.

I did install Query Mon, not sure yet what to look at. I need to study that.
I did look at some logs and see lots of tries on admin-ajx.php and xmlrpc.php etc.
Another question, isn't the mysql usage high? The VPS has 4 wordpress domains with very low activity (<1000 hits/day, bot not included)

BTW, I am using MariaDB 10.3.23 - after doing a wo stack upgrade --mysql just now I see 10.3.27

check mysql slow query log if you are suspecting high mysql usage, also if you are not able to debug by yourself then hire someone to look into this for you may be service like this : https://virtubox.net/wordpress-services/

Seems nothing in the slow log.

/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 10.3.27-MariaDB-1:10.3.27+maria~buster-log (mariadb.org binary distribution). started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Time		    Id Command	Argument

I will try a new domain on the same server without Cloudflare and will see how that goes.

Update: Site without Cloudflare was created and the backend runs normally fast. So it looks like something related to cloudflare?

may be you are having a routing issue then, anyway headover to the cloudflare community you may find solution in their kb

I did an "optimize" via phpMyAdmin on all tables and the backend feels noticeable faster. Is fine, but then sometimes php-fpm7.4 sucking up all resources.
Update: most likely while editing a page, so on nginx_helper un unclicked "[ ] when a post (or page/custom post) is modified or added.". Fine again.

7 days later


Just this very very minute I made a test: I disabled Nginx Helper - and the sites run much smoother.

I suggest you try disabling Nginx Helper and test your sites.

I did noticed that when I changed a page it wasn't updating at the front end (that is the visitor). Purging the cloudflare cache didn't help (I use WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache), I had to manually purge the nginx helper cache.

Next I wanted to ask some help on their wordpress.org support page - but seems that plugin got abandoned. Something terribly wrong here.

8 days later

An update:

While looking at Wordpress > Tools > Site health I noticed the Xdebug warning. Not thinking much and not able to pinpoint the php.ini location (seems there are many). I did a: sudo phpdismod xdebug

And then a wo stack restart for --php73 -- php74 --nginx

On one site I get nice 100/100 PageSpeed. On others I probably have to do some re-tuning.

However, back to topic, /wp-admin/ runs fast again.

Seems Xdebug was the culprid.

2 years later

Hi. im with the same problem here and nothing listed above solved.
Someone have another solution?
I liked so much how wordops works

    fel1pewoz You need to provide a lot more info for anyone to be able to help. What's your hosting/server specs, are you using Cloudflare, did it work OK before but is now slow, is it slow on the front end, is this a new install, is admin slow on some sites but not others etc...
    There's a huge amount of suggestions above, are you sure you've tried everything listed..? What happened, what did you learn so far?

    2 years later
    • ssnaruto

        Level 0

      Hi, in my case it's the same as yours, and I found out that the reason is that the wordpress auto-update system makes requests to the wordpress API at api.wordpress.org to check for updates to the core, plugins and themes when the backend is loaded, on my personal computer these requests to the API can take up to 10 seconds (the front-end won't do this, and also wordpress only checks for updates every 12 hours, so there will be times when you will see it very slow and then other times when it will be normal again). It's all in the /wp-includes/update.php file.

      I suspected this for a long time and I tested by configuring a proxy for the docker container using mitmproxy to monitor outgoing requests and I finally found out, however it may be due to my unstable network connection to the wordpress API server, however I found it was not really necessary when using on a production server, so I turned off these updates. However when investigating further I found out that some of my plugins were calling directly into the plugins update function wp_update_plugins() instead of letting wordpress do it, and I couldn't find any configuration that could be used from wp-config.php to turn off all these updates so I took a more negative approach by editing the update.php file, turning off all these automatic update checks on the web version on the server, and periodically reopening it so that WP checks for updates from the local version on my computer. And that's how I solved this pain, hope it can help you. Sorry if the grammar is incorrect because I use google translate, I am Vietnamese 😃

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