Hi, in my case it's the same as yours, and I found out that the reason is that the wordpress auto-update system makes requests to the wordpress API at api.wordpress.org to check for updates to the core, plugins and themes when the backend is loaded, on my personal computer these requests to the API can take up to 10 seconds (the front-end won't do this, and also wordpress only checks for updates every 12 hours, so there will be times when you will see it very slow and then other times when it will be normal again). It's all in the /wp-includes/update.php file.
I suspected this for a long time and I tested by configuring a proxy for the docker container using mitmproxy to monitor outgoing requests and I finally found out, however it may be due to my unstable network connection to the wordpress API server, however I found it was not really necessary when using on a production server, so I turned off these updates. However when investigating further I found out that some of my plugins were calling directly into the plugins update function wp_update_plugins() instead of letting wordpress do it, and I couldn't find any configuration that could be used from wp-config.php to turn off all these updates so I took a more negative approach by editing the update.php file, turning off all these automatic update checks on the web version on the server, and periodically reopening it so that WP checks for updates from the local version on my computer. And that's how I solved this pain, hope it can help you. Sorry if the grammar is incorrect because I use google translate, I am Vietnamese 😃