Hello! How can I add HTTP/2 (debian 10)? Thanks in advance.

Just add a certificate wo site update example.com --letsencrypt the rest is done.

    As I said, the rest is done. Web browsers require 'SSL' for http/2, so if you've set up the certificate, then you already have http/2. Check it using your web browser dev tools.

      marty Hello Marty, thank you for your response. I have an SSL certificate, but in page speed insights, I have a warning.

      What does it say when you click the down arrow (on the right hand side) for more information?

        That's odd - all my sites just worked out of the box.
        Have you made any changes to your sites config? What's in /var/www/yoursite.com/conf/nginx/ssl.conf (it should say listen 443 ssl http2; etc, and there should be an include for this folder in your main site config)?

          marty may be he is using his own SSL cert , not generated by wordops

          For the SSL certificate, I use cerbot because --letsencrypt --force doesn't work for me.
          I have Cloudflare DNS only.
          On another website for my friend working flawless,
          What can I do? I have a backup for WordPress. Delete the website and start from the beginning?
          And if SSL doesn't work again?
          Now can I add HTTP/2 and how?
          Which is the best solution?
          Finally, just add listen 443 ssl http2; Done!


            can you try wo site update site.tld --hsts

            no idea if it;ll work or not but just give it a try

            Is your wordpress home address configured with https?

            wp option get home

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