not work anymore. You can replace the repo with another and all will be fine.
Click here and then choose your Linux version. not work anymore. You can replace the repo with another and all will be fine.
Click here and then choose your Linux version.
Linux tries to use as much RAM as possible, it doesn't matter if your WP sites get 20 or 20k visitor a day. In other words, this is not a metric to worry about.
You should, however, add swap space to your server, at least 2GB. Then keep an eye on it: if the swap usage gets continuously close to 100%, you need a RAM upgrade.
IMHO, DigitalOcean droplets are weak in terms of CPU power. Anyway, a magic number to have in mind is twice the number of CPUs as the top limit to server load (i.e.: 2 vCPUs = 4.0 of server load).
And the most important tip: optimize your WPs, avoid unneeded plugins, and make good use of caches (Cloudflare in front of your domains might be very useful too).
Not sure if you spotted the link in the error log - - but it's the 50 per week limit you've hit (Certificates per Registered Domain). To be clear, this is a LetsEncrypt rate limit, not WordOps. They have a rolling reset, so depending on when you started issuing you may only have to wait a day - but if all 50 were issued 'today' then you would need to wait a whole week.
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