
  • Dec 17, 2022
  • Joined Oct 7, 2019
  • 0 best answers
  • mariadb.mirrors.ovh.net not work anymore. You can replace the repo with another and all will be fine.

    Click here and then choose your Linux version.

  • Hello yazzou,

    I'm really sorry for the delay with WordOps update. I'm going to publish a first maintenance release this week, and I hope to be able to add PHP 8.0 in the next few weeks.

  • Linux tries to use as much RAM as possible, it doesn't matter if your WP sites get 20 or 20k visitor a day. In other words, this is not a metric to worry about.

    You should, however, add swap space to your server, at least 2GB. Then keep an eye on it: if the swap usage gets continuously close to 100%, you need a RAM upgrade.

    IMHO, DigitalOcean droplets are weak in terms of CPU power. Anyway, a magic number to have in mind is twice the number of CPUs as the top limit to server load (i.e.: 2 vCPUs = 4.0 of server load).

    And the most important tip: optimize your WPs, avoid unneeded plugins, and make good use of caches (Cloudflare in front of your domains might be very useful too).

  • Not sure if you spotted the link in the error log - https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ - but it's the 50 per week limit you've hit (Certificates per Registered Domain). To be clear, this is a LetsEncrypt rate limit, not WordOps. They have a rolling reset, so depending on when you started issuing you may only have to wait a day - but if all 50 were issued 'today' then you would need to wait a whole week.

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