tyrro great thanks for your sharing, it would be really great if it works, I did not know that before.
It is midnight here, and i will have a try tomorrow and let you know.
thanks again.
tyrro great thanks for your sharing, it would be really great if it works, I did not know that before.
It is midnight here, and i will have a try tomorrow and let you know.
thanks again.
Hello tyrro
Here is the information, and it seems that it is similar issue, there is always a issue line:
install: line 746: wo: command not found
Full information below:
root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-lon1-01:~# cd WordOps-3.11.2/
root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-lon1-01:~/WordOps-3.11.2# sudo bash install
Welcome to WordOps install/update script 3.11.2
Installing wo dependencies [OK]
Installing WordOps [OK]
Running post-install steps [OK]
install: line 746: wo: command not found
WordOps (wo) installed successfully
To enable bash-completion, just use the command:
bash -l
To install WordOps recommended stacks, you can use the command:
wo stack install
To create a first WordPress site, you can use the command:
wo site create site.tld --wp
WordOps Documentation : https://docs.wordops.net
WordOps Community Forum : https://community.wordops.net
WordOps Community Chat : https://chat.wordops.net
Give WordOps a GitHub star : https://github.com/WordOps/WordOps/
Is there any suggestions or alternative way to go ahead please?
And I tried the version 3.11.1, and same issue, please check below:
install: line 744: wo: command not found
root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-lon1-01:~# cd WordOps-3.11.1/
root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-lon1-01:~/WordOps-3.11.1# sudo bash install
Welcome to WordOps install/update script 3.11.1
Installing wo dependencies [OK]
Installing WordOps [OK]
Running post-install steps [OK]
install: line 744: wo: command not found
WordOps (wo) installed successfully
To enable bash-completion, just use the command:
bash -l
To install WordOps recommended stacks, you can use the command:
wo stack install
To create a first WordPress site, you can use the command:
wo site create site.tld --wp
WordOps Documentation : https://docs.wordops.net
WordOps Community Forum : https://community.wordops.net
WordOps Community Chat : https://chat.wordops.net
Give WordOps a GitHub star : https://github.com/WordOps/WordOps/
Sorry to bump this, but for me is not working the installation on ZSH , Raspberry Pi 4.
~ took 14m 35s
➜ _ wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
Welcome to WordOps install/update script v3.11.4
Installing wo dependencies [OK]
Installing WordOps [KO]
Running post-install steps [OK]
wo: line 755: wo: command not found
WordOps (wo) installed successfully
To enable bash-completion, just use the command:
bash -l
To install WordOps recommended stacks, you can use the command:
wo stack install
To create a first WordPress site, you can use the command:
wo site create site.tld --wp
WordOps Documentation : https://docs.wordops.net
WordOps Community Forum : https://community.wordops.net
WordOps Community Chat : https://chat.wordops.net
Give WordOps a GitHub star : https://github.com/WordOps/WordOps/
is there something that is incompatible in my side??
I suggest you keep an eye on any updates of this thread https://community.wordops.net/d/319-i-get-error-when-install-wordops-on-raspberry-4/28
Very strange. I had no problem at all installing WordOps on a fresh install of the host OS
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
jond1 Yes, there is no problem for fresh install, but the issue will happen after run: wo maintenance
Ah, ok. So don't run that until there's a changelog with a fix for it. I personally have stayed on an older version because I saw issues persist when upgrading. At the end of the day, WordOps is a lot of complex and well thought out Python, there's no security risk of staying on previous versions -- in my opinion.
I run wo maintenance
on all of my servers (100+ instances at this moment) on a daily basis, and none of them had such issue.
According to the docs wo maintenance
doesn't update WordOps itself (it does package updates/cleaning). So @alexlii1971 did you mean after wo maintenance
or wo update
marty did you mean after wo maintenance or wo update?
Good question.
Either way, I always use wo update
, whenever there is a new release, and never faced such an issue, also.
I did both wo maintenance and wo update on server.
For local VM install, that issue will persist for me.
For now, when I install on server, I always run the following line:
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades
switch off the Update-Package-Lists directive from 1 to 0 as shown below on Line 1:
APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0";
APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";
As a workaround, try creating a file named wo
with the content below:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from wo.cli.main import main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
To create the file run the following commands as root (or sudo
them, if you prefer):
touch /usr/local/bin/wo
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wo
I tried them all:
bash wo --force
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/wo && wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
sudo wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
reboot )
.. and nothing seems to work.. "wo: command not found"
I use Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Can you help me, please?
Welcome to WordOps install/update script v3.11.4
Installing wo dependencies [OK]
Installing WordOps [OK]
Running post-install steps [OK]
wo: line 755: wo: command not found
WordOps (wo) installed successfullyTo enable bash-completion, just use the command:
bash -lTo install WordOps recommended stacks, you can use the command:
wo stack installTo create a first WordPress site, you can use the command:
wo site create site.tld --wpWordOps Documentation : https://docs.wordops.net
WordOps Community Forum : https://community.wordops.net
WordOps Community Chat : https://chat.wordops.netGive WordOps a GitHub star : https://github.com/WordOps/WordOps/
Emilian Perhaps you could try the workaround I suggested one reply before. As far as I can see, you didn't even try it.
You can also try installing a previous version. I'm still running a version behind latest release.
Actually I think I'm two minor versions behind
I tried to install a previous version, and I still received the "wo: command not found" error. Deleted the server and started over. Very sad.
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