Hi everyone,

I'm using WP Fastest Cache plugin, and the developer tells me I should not enable server caching on nginx, as it can conflict. Does that makes sense? And if so, is it worth it? Or would I be better using server caching and no plugin (or a different one)?

Also, are page rules for caching on Cloudflare compatible with both server caching and the caching performed by the plugin?

  • shrapnelinitiated Sorry, I can't point you to the right direction.

    But I have some "golden rules" for my own sites:

    1. Avoid plugins, just install them if you can't live without their functionality.
    2. WO does a great job on optimizing caches: do not install extra plugins for this matter.
    3. If you need to minify JS and CSS, use Autoptimize.
    4. Try the plugin Flying Scripts to speed up loading, but it requires extra care because it can break things.

    That's it.

portofacil Thank you very much for your answer. Sorry for the likely silly question, but should I combine that with other plugins for things like minifying css or plugins like asset cleanup to not load certain files?

Everytime I google how to speed things up people recommend many plugins, but is hard to know what truly works. Maybe you can point me to a good resource to learn from to optimize my site?

Thanks again.

    shrapnelinitiated Sorry, I can't point you to the right direction.

    But I have some "golden rules" for my own sites:

    1. Avoid plugins, just install them if you can't live without their functionality.
    2. WO does a great job on optimizing caches: do not install extra plugins for this matter.
    3. If you need to minify JS and CSS, use Autoptimize.
    4. Try the plugin Flying Scripts to speed up loading, but it requires extra care because it can break things.

    That's it.

      portofacil I'm doing performance test on GTMetrix and with just Fastcgi cache the score is worst than with the plugin. I just updated my site with --wpfc. Is there something else to make the most of it? Also, I'm getting different results on different performance testing tools, is there one more reliable you recommend?

      portofacil Thanks, it also gives me terrible performance results ☹️ . Is it possible to disable the fastcgi? I can't find a way to do it in the docs, and would like to do some testing with and without it.

      wo site update --wp to disable caches

      16 days later

      portofacil Avoid plugins, just install them if you can't live without their functionality.

      1#So, do you mean only Redis Object cache plugin is recommended please? or do not recommend Redis object cache plugin either please?
      2#If yes, what about Wp-rocket please? any chance to test it or share experience?

      Thanks and have a nice day.

      @portofacil and everyone else, I have tested redis vs fastcgi vs wprocket on several sites over a period of months... I always end up going back to wprocket setup... It just gets better pagespeed scores.

        mdoooooot I tested wp rocket set up and actually got a higher loading time and worse page speed than just using plain redis.

        That's it... There is no single solution for every case. There are tons of variables, and one must test all possibilities to find what works better in every site.

        12 days later

        portofacil But I have some "golden rules" for my own sites:

        Avoid plugins, just install them if you can't live without their functionality.
        WO does a great job on optimizing caches: do not install extra plugins for this matter.
        If you need to minify JS and CSS, use Autoptimize.
        Try the plugin Flying Scripts to speed up loading, but it requires extra care because it can break things.

        After test, I found these are really really Gold rules....Gold rules...

        FastCGI enabled, only Autoptimize will be much perfect, any other plugin will cause bad performace including Flying Scripts....

        a year later

        Best choice
        wo site create yoursite.com --wpfc (fastcgi cache)
        Then install redis if you did not: wo stack install --redis
        Then install plugin Redis Object Cache plugin for your Wordpress site
        Then install the plugin Autoptimize.

        That' all


          oh, I never thought both fastcgi cache and redis plugin working together, are you sure there is no any conflict between them?

            These steps give you fastcgi page cache and Redis object cache (i.e. Redis is not being used as a page cache in this setup).

            Sure, just don't choose --redis when install WP. You still can use Redis cache via the plugin to cache your objects

            Try it, your site will load much faster

              2 months later

              Hello webservices

              Just got time to have a test, would you please let me know how to setup in Nginx helper in this case? Thanks

              By the way, any experience sharing by Fastcgi cache + Nginx helper + Autoptimze? any special configuration to avoid issue please?

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