
another question for you about redis-object-cache plugin. Currently the plugin is installed by default with the flag --wpredis but several users faced issues with WordPress object-cache in Redis, and it doesn't have the same impact on site performance than the full-page cache handled directly by Nginx.
So I would like to have your opinion about keeping/removing this plugin ?

Should we remove redis-object-cache plugin ?

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    VirtuBox stickied the discussion .

    I have implemented the Redis Object Cache on more than 50 sites so far. All of them are working well without any error. Had some serious performance issues on 2-3 websites though where I disabled Redis Object Cache Plugin and high resources problem was resolved.

    I don't know how to correctly measure the difference in speed before and after implementing the Redis Object Cache. The frontend tests such as Pingdom, GtMetrix, Webpagetest etc doesn't show any measurable difference in the load time after implementing the Redis Object Cache.

    @VirtuBox We would love to know your own view about the Object Cache implementation like how it goes for you and your client's sites.

    Which Cache Mechanism you prefer:

    • Redis Full Page Cache + Redis Object Cache.
    • NGINX FastCGI.
    • Redis Full Page Cache only.

    Kindly, share your own experience with us 🙂

      Hello nsgoyat,
      it's pretty simple, on a single server I prefer to use Nginx fastcgi_cache but when I work on high-availability infrastructure I use Redis Full-page cache only because a single redis instance can be used to store full-page cache between multiple nodes.
      I do not use Redis-object-cache at all, mostly because I never noticed performance improvements in WordPress backend with this extension, but I often faced issues with another plugin (VisualComposer for example) or redis resources usage was very high on sites with multiple author writing articles at the same time.
      Then on very high-traffic sites, I often use WP-Rocket with Nginx fastcgi_cache to decrease server load by using to layer of cache.

        a month later

        VirtuBox The reason I would prefer to leave Redis-object cache in there, is that it is useful if you setup a site that doesn't have anything to do with Wordpress - I run a pho based forum, and use Redis for acceleration, and it works best with the object-cache settings (as far as I can tell). So, removing this would basically kill this ability.

        Correct me if I'm wrong.

          Hello ZinkDifferent,
          I was only talking about the redis-object-cache plugin, but not about the redis stack itself.
          Anyway, there isn't enough difference between the "yes" and the "no" to take a decision here.

            VirtuBox unstickied the discussion .
            8 days later

            VirtuBox Please clarify one point. Now when I create a site with the --wpredis flag, is Redis Full-page cache installed along with Redis-object-cache? I apparently read all of your documentation, but nowhere has it been clearly written about caching options. What options are what are they and how can they be combined. Indeed, compared to EasyEngine3, the available caching options have greatly increased. And this is confusing. Creating a new project with WO, I chose the option to use Redis, already known to me, but now I doubt it.

              Hello Unicom3000,
              thanks for reporting this information is missing in the documentation.
              With the flag --wpredis, WordOps install redis (if not already installed) and configure Nginx to use redis as full-page cache backend. Additionally, it install redis-object-cache plugin to let Redis handle Wordpress object-cache.
              But if you don't enable or if you remove redis-object-cache plugin, your site will only use full-page cache in redis.

                VirtuBox Thanks for making this clear to me. From the messages above, I understand that Redis-object-cache does not give any performance gain in the base case. But rather, it even spends server resources. In addition, Redis Full-page cache in comparison with Nginx cache in the case of a single server does not give any gain.

                I would also like to hear your recommendations on connecting an additional cache for WordPress, if you are already using Redis Full-page cache or Nginx cache.

                  Unicom3000 Redis-object-cache does not improve directly site performance, but it can improve WordPress backend performance.
                  Then the main difference between Fastcgi_cache and Redis Full-page cache (fastcgi_cache is also a full-page cache solution) is you cannot use fastcgi_cache with redundant systems, because it would require to share fastcgi_cache path between all servers.

                  But if you use Redis cache or Nginx fastcgi_cache, you should not need an additional cache for WordPress, both of them are powerful caching systems which serve cached pages directly from cache without making a single request to WordPress.

                    7 months later

                    Hello @VirtuBox:

                    VirtuBox Then on very high-traffic sites, I often use WP-Rocket with Nginx fastcgi_cache to decrease server load by using to layer of cache.

                    I know Wordops support creating site by using wo site create site.tld --wprocket

                    It would be great if you can share the method of configuration that you said "WP-Rocket with Nginx fastcgi_cache to decrease server load by using to layer of cache".

                    Thanks in advance.

                    Hi vasiler ,

                    Do you recommand the above configuration method for Woocommece site please?



                    vasiler do not use Redis anyway. I dont know. I think you are right.

                    Thanks, I will try this method as below on Woocommoce site:

                    2#plugin Nginx Helper for clearing cache
                    3# Using this plugin https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/61-disable-page-caching
                    4# Update site using --wpfc

                    Although, I found there are so manny external connections when commercial plugin used on site, if you like, you can use Snitch(https://wordpress.org/plugins/snitch/) to monitor, and will find things like this screenshot:

                    These external connections sometime caused site delay.

                      I use Wp Rocket with CSS optimization feature active, I installed Snitch and I don't have those delays. They probably only appear when Wp Rocket generates static css.

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